Configuring existing ISC-DHCP Server to work with FOG v1.2.0
And here:
Seams like the information is kind of scattered.
Might want to change undioonly.kpxe to undionly.kpxe
@Sebastian-Roth What would you think about a page strictly on all things concerning ISC-DHCP ?
@Wayne-Workman Not sure if we have other topics (like BIOS/EFI or Mac OS X booting) scattered if we put all the ISC-DHCP relevant things into one article. Sure the best would be to link between those articles. Question remains: Should we come up with a ISC-DHCP article? I don’t know.
@Sebastian-Roth I’ll work on linking them all together later tonight.
@Wayne-Workman Thanks a lot for all you are doing to add to the FOG project! I am being kind of lazy with the wiki in the last months - nevertheless I know how important documentation is!! Thanks again.
@Sebastian-Roth A strong FOG Wiki is needed for a strong FOG. The moderators/developers would just be killing themselves if they answered things over and over in the forums. While the forums is also a critical component and a means of documentation - the Wiki should also be of equal concern - and the Wiki should be the first-stop-shop for people trying to do things and figure things out. If the Wiki is sound and solid, then people shouldn’t have so many issues.
Up to this point - i’ve only very generically covered 1.3.0 in the wiki because things change so fast. I’ve focused more on the Linux stuff and troubleshooting techniques. Once 1.3.0 is released - I plan on doing more basic stuff, how to do this, how to do that, best practices, and videos - a lot of videos.
@Sebastian-Roth said:
@Wayne-Workman Not sure if we have other topics (like BIOS/EFI or Mac OS X booting) scattered if we put all the ISC-DHCP relevant things into one article. Sure the best would be to link between those articles. Question remains: Should we come up with a ISC-DHCP article? I don’t know.
I was thinking on the best way to do this that would require the least effort to change in the future. I started thinking multiple links in many articles was a bad idea, so I made this:
I’m now working on embedding that article in every spot that mentions ISC-DHCP while also adding to it’s list.
@Wayne-Workman I like the “Related_to_xyz” naming. Would suite other things as well I guess. Might wanna add this to the Knowledge Base which is linked on the main wiki page!?
@Sebastian-Roth said:
@Wayne-Workman I like the “Related_to_xyz” naming. Would suite other things as well I guess. Might wanna add this to the Knowledge Base which is linked on the main wiki page!?