Surface 4 Network boot and Image
When I said params, I was just saying for the boot arguments. I’m sorry. Can you please replace the parameters (I believe they’re blank). ANd add the has_usb_nic=1 to the boot options.
So your reginput boot options will become:
mode=manreg has_usb_nic=1
@Tom-Elliott said:
mode=manreg has_usb_nic=1
OK running the test again. I am gonna setup a live feed so I dont have to keep uploading LOL. Twitch FOG setup Screening
@Tom-Elliott OK test two run, same result. I am seeing the USB nic but only after it gets into the Registration part. Now need ot find a way for FOG to see the HDD.
On the boot options can you also add isdebug=yes
@Tom-Elliott Does
get you to a shell?? -
OK this morning I am updating the FOG server to latest trunk off of SVN and replacing the .pxe files with the old ones. Lets see how this goes.
Working with the OP found out the server had a Single CPU and 1GB of ram.
Upping the CPU to 4, and 4GB of RAM has significantly improved the server’s capabilities including fixing, at least seemingly, the issues with tftp.
My guess the server couldn’t get the tftp file fast enough so the dhcp server would fail to send out the proper information making the system request what IP to use.
OP is now running trunk versions that have the proper errors and handling for nvme. The init’s we have do not contain “find HDD” anymore. So the messages @Psycholiquid was seeing were from an older init (probably when reverting to snapshot) where the HDD code was not handled as “neatly”.
OK little update here. This is the steps as I am taking them.
Hardware in use:
SP4 docking station
SP4 set to boot form network then USB then internal storage
Scope option for DHCP using ipxe.efiOnce the SP4 boot and downloads NBP file it goes to FOG menu without issue (Thank you Tom for seeing my stingy server habits)
Clicking Full Register Host
I am not able ot hit ? on image selection but if I know the number and enter it, it works jsut fine. I am not able ot use default options on some of the menus I have to enter Y/N or wit will just loop.
After entering all information I am able to see it registered in FOGSo DISCO. Now I need to figure out how to clean up the partitioning. But one thing at a time.
OK next snag, I was able to upload the image to the FOG server, no probems there, did all four partitions on a out of the box Surface 4.
Once it reboots and goes to teh FOG menu and I let it sit through the 3 second screen I get the following error:
Chainloading failed, hit ‘s’ for the iPXE shell
Any ideas?
@Psycholiquid Change the exit type. It’s probably trying to boot legacy style, try the grub_first_found_windows item.
@Psycholiquid That will be the exit type for that specific registered device in fog, its probably not sanboot, try grub.
@Tom-Elliott OK that is causing it to loop on the menu over and over.
I am trying GRUB_FirstHDD
No dice there either
@Psycholiquid What if you use exit?
@Tom-Elliott Trying it now.