snapins error (net helpmsg 1 incorrect function)
my config:
fedora 22 64bit
fog Version: 6237
I have problems with installing snapin.
Snapin on fog server is cmd file and it is simple unattended office 2016 installation.
Here is syntax:\\upow-8.intranet\public\Office2016_PL_32B\setup.exe /adminfile \\upow-8.intranet\public\Office2016_PL_32B\Unattended.msp
When I start this script on pc from command line installation starts properly.
But when snapin is started by fog service I got error---------------------------------SnapinClient--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08.02.2016 12:50 Client-Info Version: 0.9.11 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Running... 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fog-server/fog/service/servicemodule-active.php?moduleid=snapinclient&mac=F8:32:E4:A0:94:89||00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0&newService=1 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication Response: Success 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fog-server/fog/service/snapins.checkin.php?mac=F8:32:E4:A0:94:89||00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0&newService=1 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication Response: Success 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Snapin Found: 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient ID: 548 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient RunWith: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient RunWithArgs: /C 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Name: Office 2016_32_PL_cmd 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient File: office2016_pl_32.cmd 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Created: 2016-02-08 12:41:27 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Args: 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Reboot: 0 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fog-server/fog/service/snapins.file.php?mac=F8:32:E4:A0:94:89||00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0&taskid=548 08.02.2016 12:50 Bus { "channel": "Notification", "data": "{\r\n \"title\": \"Office 2016_32_PL_cmd\",\r\n \"message\": \"FOG is installing Office 2016_32_PL_cmd\",\r\n \"duration\": 10\r\n}" } 08.02.2016 12:50 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Notification 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Starting snapin... 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Snapin finished 08.02.2016 12:50 SnapinClient Return Code: 1 08.02.2016 12:50 Bus { "channel": "Notification", "data": "{\r\n \"title\": \"Finished Office 2016_32_PL_cmd\",\r\n \"message\": \"Office 2016_32_PL_cmd finished installing\",\r\n \"duration\": 10\r\n}" } 08.02.2016 12:50 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Notification 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fog-server/fog/service/snapins.checkin.php?taskid=548&exitcode=1&mac=F8:32:E4:A0:94:89||00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0&newService=1 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication URL: http://fog-server/fog/service/snapins.checkin.php?mac=F8:32:E4:A0:94:89||00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:E0&newService=1 08.02.2016 12:50 Middleware::Communication Response: No snapins
Error code is 1 - net helpmsg - incorrect function
Any help appreciated.
Regards -
I could be wrong, happens a lot
but I believe running executables via command line through UNC path’s is not a very much liked scenario.
@Tom-Elliott is something wrong with running executables via cmd through UNC path?
Or you know different way to simply start unattended office installation?
Regards -
@robza Running commands via UNC is not a great scenario, what I usually do is map a drive with net use and use that drive then delete the mapping.
Net use z: \\upow-8.intranet\public\Office2016_PL_32B\ z:\setup.exe /adminfile z:\Unattended.msp net use z: /delete
This would be a better and more reliable way to set this up. I always use Z: because it usually doesn’t conflict with other common mappings such as U or H for home/user drives.
@robza xcopy supports UNC paths with usernames and passwords. Another option would be to xcopy the things you need first, and then execute those things locally, and delete when done.
@ITSolutions when I tried run this script
Net use z: \\upow-8.intranet\public\Office2016_PL_32B\ z:\setup.exe /adminfile z:\Unattended.msp net use z: /delete
as fog snapin received code 2. Net helpmsg 2 is “The system cannot find the file specified.”
Regards -
@Wayne-Workman using xcopy I’m getting Return code: 1 incorrect function.
xcopy /E /H \\upow-8\public\Office2016_PL_32B\* c:\temp\ cd c:\temp\ setup.exe /adminfile Unattended.msp
When script is started from cmd works like a charm.
Regards -
xcopy "\\upow-8\public\Office2016_PL_32B\*.*" "c:\temp" /y /d /e /c /i /f /h /k /v /s
@Wayne-Workman thank you for support.
Works like a charm.