EBR Signature Invalid
@george1421 The fog compatibility test now works on the destination client however. I will try to upload the image from the master again and they deploy to the destination with the new inits in place.
@george1421 The upload from the master also failed:
No img part type passed (savePartitionTableAndBootLoaders)
@StevenT said:
@george1421 The upload from the master also failed:
No img part type passed (savePartitionTableAndBootLoaders)
That was my initial concern the current kernel and inits need the rest of 1.2.0 (trunk) to function correctly because the image information is not being passed to the kernels. The compatibility test works since the newer kernels have the hardware drivers for the newer hardware. Which is a positive.
I think spinning up a dev fog server is the next move. Move the original bzImage and ints back. Once you do that run the following command against bzImage
file bzImage
that should generate the kernel build number. The latest kernel for 1.2.0 is 3.19.(something). If your kernels are before that you might want to update them (on your production server) to ensure you have the latest hardware drivers. For fog 1.2.0 stable you must stay in the 3.x kernels. -
@george1421 I finished setting up a completely new install of Ubuntu / Fog 1.2.0. I used SVN to upgrade to 6175. I kept the empty database and just registered the two hosts to test with.
I upload the image from the master to FOG fine. I received an error trying to deploy the image however:
No drive number passed (restoreALLEBRs)
@StevenT said:
@george1421 I finished setting up a completely new install of Ubuntu / Fog 1.2.0. I used SVN to upgrade to 6175. I kept the empty database and just registered the two hosts to test with.
I upload the image from the master to FOG fine. I received an error trying to deploy the image however:
No drive number passed (restoreALLEBRs)
Ok now you are at a place were we need to bring in the @Developers Thank you for sticking with me during initial testing. Just to make sure I got everything answered, these Dell Optiplex XE2 do they only have a single hard drive? I assume this hard drive is a SSD or rotating media?
@george1421 SIngle disk - SATA non-SSD.
@StevenT Are you using 1.2.0 but current inits?
@Tom-Elliott I installed 1.2.0 and then ran the procedure to upgrade to trunk using the following instructions. I’m not sure if that updates the inits as well.
@Tom-Elliott said:
@StevenT Are you using 1.2.0 but current inits?
Tom, we tried to just upgrade the kernel and inits to current with the 1.2.0 build. But that resulted in “No img part type passed” being returned by the trunk version of the kernel and inits. So I asked him to roll back the changes in his production server and spin up a dev server running the latest trunk build. The trunk build is now throwing the error “No drive number passed” when he tries to deploy an image.
@george1421 While 1.2.0 and trunk init’s “should” work there were a lot of features added. For example, many error checks were implemented that were not in 1.2.0 at all.
Is there anyway to upgrade properly to trunk? What happens if they are on trunk?
@Tom-Elliott Unless I missed something that is exactly what the OP said:
@george1421 I finished setting up a completely new install of Ubuntu / Fog 1.2.0. I used SVN to upgrade to 6175. I kept the empty database and just registered the two hosts to test with.
I must have not been clear. First attempt was to “try” the new kernels and init. That failed so the OP spun up a new server with similar results. I have personally not had any experice with this new model Dell “Optiplex XE2” the release date is mid 2013 so it should be similar to the 7020/9020 but the chip set is listed as “Intel 8 Series Express” unless this is a type-o it is inconsistent with the other hardware of that era.
@Tom-Elliott To reiterate what @george1421 said our final attempt was with a brand new OS / FOG installation upgraded to trunk via SVN. I registered only the master / slave hosts, uploaded the image and then tried to deploy it. Even with the brand new upgraded install we were getting an error trying to deploy. That is where we left off.
Can we take a step back, and try to upload from other computers just to see if it works? Doesn’t need to be anything special, doesn’t matter what’s on the drive. We just need to test uploading to verify if the FOG server works for other hardware.
@Wayne-Workman Good idea. We are in the process now. The deploy just failed so we are trying to use alternative hardware for the entire process now - upload image from master HD in an alternative PC and deploy the image to slave HD in an alternative PC. The alternative PC we are using we know worked in the past.
@StevenT said:
upload image from master HD in an alternative PC and deploy the image to slave HD in an alternative PC
I’d disagree with that. It’s possible that the HDD itself is the issue.
I’d recommend just grabbing any other working computer and just uploading.
@Wayne-Workman We’ll try that next to make sure. It *appears the master disk is working ok. It boots, runs the OS, ect fine. We have also tried to deploy the image taken from the master to 3 different XE2 PCs with no luck. I wouldn’t think its a hard drive issue, but we will make sure.
Also I have been able to image and deploy other PCs on this FOG server. I’ll admit the image was taken from and restored to the exact same PC (backup/restore), but that at least proves the server is ABLE to take and deploy an image.
@StevenT But have you successfully taken and deployed an image since this issue?
@Wayne-Workman I think I’ve narrowed it down to either the source hard drive. Its either bad (which i doubt), there is a problem with the partitions on the source hard drive or FOG is unable to support the source hard drive or partition setup.
-I have tried to capture deploy using the native XE2 hardware platform and failed.
-I have tried to use a current patch version of FOG to capture / deploy using the XE2 hardware and failed.
-I have tried to move the hard drive to an older hardware platform that worked previously and failed.
-To make sure FOG still worked at all I tried to backup and restore and completely different 7020 and it worked fine.There is sometime about this drive or partition setup causing the problem.
@StevenT Not to add confusion here. But do you have a single image you are deploying to the XE2 and the other Dell computers? The question is, is the issue specific to deploying to the XE2 from a common image or if you capture the image from an XE2 does it deploy to a standard dell? Its not clear how you deploy images.
@StevenT If you can do a debug deploy/capture to that problematic hardware and when you finally get to a shell, run the command
and see what it says. Take a picture and post here.