New Client Install
I am trying to install the new client 0.9.10 on a new image and it continually errors out. It acts as though it is going to install and then Ends with
“FOG Service Setup Wizard ended prematurely: FOG Service Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, run set wizard again. Click the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard.”
This is on a Windows 7 x64 box, and FOG 5927 running on Ubuntu 14.04. I have installed the client on many other images without issue. I checked the logs on the windows machine and it is giving a generic 1603 error status for the installer. Can anyone help please?
How are you trying to install the client, exactly? I see the 1603 on Java because of its inability to install through the SYSTEM account. This only occurs, to my knowledge, if done through snapins.
Further information specific to msi’s and error code 1603.
I was using a batch file initially but when it errored out I tried just manually running the MSI and it gives the same results. The 1603 for MSI’s is a generic can’t install error. You can also get that if windows is waiting for a restart after updates is a common cause also.
@Tom-Elliott Yeah, I pretty familiar with that error code, but I am not installing any differently than I have ever done in the past. I have installed the new client on almost a dozen images already with no issues up until recently. I just realized I have not installed since I last upgraded FOG, so I think I will upgrade FOG on Monday and try again. I will let you know if that solves anything.
I’m having exactly the same problem getting the agent to install interactively on our base image (Windows 7 64-bit and FOG 6090 running on Ubuntu 14.04)
The client install used to work fine previously but have been updating our base images recently and cant get this to work?
@Andrew-Aitken said:

What is this? I’m assuming it’s supposed to be a picture?
Sorry seem to be having problems pasting images into posts.
@Andrew-Aitken can you post your C:\fog.log (or c:\program files (x86)\fog\fog.log) file here?
@Jbob I am getting the same error as @Andrew-Aitken got. For some reason I was not able to post a picture last week of it. When I run my script which is a simple silent install I get no error message, it just never installs.
msiexec /i " & subtemp & "\FOGService.msi /passive WEBADDRESS=
But I get the error such as the posted picture when I run it interactively by clicking on the MSI in windows. Both give the same MSI error in the Windows log though of 1603.
@Tom-Elliott If he is getting that error there will be no log as that is the client install failing and so no log gets created. I just got in and am about to start an upgrade to the latest trunk and see if that works to fix this issue.
I don’t think it gets that far, as neither c:\fog.log or c:\program files (x86)\fog folder is ever created?
The only thing I can find is a series of 5 events in the Windows Application log culminating with “Installation success or error status: 1603”
Minor update
It installs fine on Windows 10 64-bit but not Windows 7 64-bitWhy would that be the case?
I upgraded my FOG server to the latest trunk today and the client installed without an issue. Last time I upgraded the FOG server I got an error with the SSL script part of the installer but everything still seemed to work. This time I had no issues with the upgrade so I wonder if there was an issue the certs.
@Jbob Sorry I didn’t see your post for logging until after I already started the upgrade of the server so I could not do a log to get tot he root cause of this, but it does look as though it was isolated to an error on the server which would point to the certs being the problem. I assume that during the install the client pulls the certs from the server and sets them as a trusted root so that we get the secure connection ability in the client, correct?
@Andrew-Aitken are you still having the issue? Maybe you could run the logging on your MSI so that @Jbob could see what the issue in yours is. Could help in creating an error code/message in the installer for the future.
@ITSolutions As suggested I re-ran the MSI install with logging but unable to determine what the issue is?
0_1453808764504_fog-install.logAny help in deciphering the log would be appreciated.
@Andrew-Aitken How is the install being performed? Is it a script running to do the install?
No just executing the .msi or with msiexec from the command line. Both produce the same result -
@Andrew-Aitken Have you ensured the command line is running as administrator?
@Andrew-Aitken said:
Minor update
It installs fine on Windows 10 64-bit but not Windows 7 64-bitWhy would that be the case?
It likely has something to do with the version of .NET you have installed…
Pretty sure I did the last time but I ran it again to be sure and still got the same error?