Trunk 4542 - Create new snapin opens blank page
Hi again
I upgraded to latest trunk to get past issue with 4501 not opening List Snapins page. List snapins now works a treat however Create New Snapin opens a blank page…
URL = http://<ip_of_FOG_Server>/fog/management/?node=snapin&sub=add
regards Kiweegie,
Will you create the blank page again and then tail the apache error log to see what happened.
For red hat based systems
tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
I (think) for debian based its
tail /var/log/httpd/error.log
Then post the error here.
Should be
tail /var/log/apache2/error.log
(debian) -
Hi both, thanks for the pointer to log, that showed me issue. Had reinstalled from trunk and while fog password was ok per my records in the below locations I had like a complete rookie forgotten to reset password on the server itseld post upgrade… d’oh!
Storage Management > All Storage Nodes > Default Member > Management Password
Fog Configuration > Fog Settings > TFTP Server > FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORDcheers all