Host seems to hang on resizing filesystem
I am having this issue on two VM’s when trying to upload.
This have been going on for over an hour now when it usually takes less than 2 minutes. I have tried restarting the images and running them in debug, but neither works or gives any output to what might be the issue.
Any ideas?
How much space is the image using?
The more fragmented it is, and the more space it’s using, the longer it takes. I’ve seen it take quite a while.
I always always run disk defrag (now called “optimize” in 8.1) beforehand, twice. I wonder how disk defrag works on a virtual hdd ???
They are both 40GB virtual disks, with 20-25 used. I’m going to let it run overnight and if it hasn’t finished by morning, I’ll look into the defrag. Thanks @Wayne-Workman !!!
One just went through, so this should be resolved.