Multiple TFTP servers multi subnet fog 1.2.0
@robin-masters You’ve asked multiple questions, I think one of them was directed towards the storage pie chart on the dash board. That’s based on FTP. You need to have the correct FTP credentials set for the storage node. You might look through this article that is written just for FOG FTP Troubleshooting:
@Wayne-Workman said:
@robin-masters You’ve asked multiple questions, I think one of them was directed towards the storage pie chart on the dash board. That’s based on FTP. You need to have the correct FTP credentials set for the storage node. You might look through this article that is written just for FOG FTP Troubleshooting:
I stand corrected, the storage pie chart on the dashboard is not FTP based, but could you look at the web-root setting for this storage node and ensure it’s correct? Can you post a screenshot of this area?
Hey thx for answering.
The issue with the storage pie chart on the dashboard is solved. The MySQL bind address of the Master Node was set to localhost, so no incoming connection from the storagenode was possible.
Not a unimportant fact because in ubuntu 14.04 mysql-server bind-address is set on localhost by default.
(a reminder in the wiki would be nice - for ubuntu don`t know how it is in redhat)But the sync of the images still don`t work. Have wait for 16h.
In /images/ folder of the StorageNode are only the standard files (.mntcheck) and folder (dev and postdownloadscripts)I will reinstall the storagenode and see what happens…
Okay i have reinstalled the storage node and add the storage node in the webinterface of the master node again and nothing happens.
No changes in log files and so on, seems nothing works.Seems /opt/fog/etc/config.php was wrong for ubuntu 14.04 with Apache 2.4.7.
(The folder exists but it`s not the standard webroot of the Apache)change this from
<?php define( "WEBROOT", "/var/www/fog" ); ?>
<?php define( "WEBROOT", "/var/www/html/fog" ); ?>
On MasterNode and StorageNode.
If i start the FOGImagereplicator script it works now…
Okay there is one last question… eventually…
The sync works only if i start the FOGImageReplicator script manually is there no crontab in the install script? (I think this was the problem at the beginning not the path to WEBROOT)
How do FOG cronjobs? - where can i find the Jobs?
The FOGImageReplicator is run as a service not a cron job. Look in the /etc/init.d directory for the service descriptor. (next is going to be a rhel based command) Run the chkconfig FOGImageReplicator --list to show you if the image replicator service is set to auto start. Under debian based systems chkconfig may not be installed by default.
Hey thanks for this explanation!
Okay, chkconfig is not a package of ubuntu but rcconf and it shows me that the FOG scripts are set to autostart.
I also find links of the scripts correctly under “/etc/rc1.d” to “/etc/rc5.d”.
But when i reboot the system and try to restart the FOGImageReplicator script with “/etc/init.d/FOGImageReplicator restart” it appears:
root@image-server:/etc/init.d# /etc/init.d/FOGImageReplicator restart * Restarting FOG Computer Imaging Solution: FOGImageReplicator start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 1465: No such process [ OK ]
Seems it is a problem with the service script and ubuntu. The script /opt/fog/Service/fogmain … works.
If i stop the script with “/etc/init.d/FOGImageReplicator stop” and start it again with “/etc/init.d/FOGImageReplicator start” … it works… strange.
okay i check this out - the 3 FOG Services dont start at startup with Ubuntu 14.04.
Have to stop and start it again after the reboot… then it works?Any Ideas?
Okay i kicked the 3 FOG Service manually out of the runlevels from rc.0 to rcS and let them join again with
"update-rc.d fogscript defaults " and it works.With “top” i can see the Service running now after startup.
See someone a problem in this workaround?
Seems FOG Multisite\Multisubnet don`t work on ubuntu 14.04 without some troubles…
sry haven`t found this thread before.
Thx for this.
My workaround works only randomly, i think rc.local is the best way.