Unable to access fog management web after update latest SVN.
Hi Guys,
Im running ubuntu 14.04. Everything was working but i decided to upgrade latest svn ,after that im unable to access fog server. I know there is another thread but its not helping because im not sure how to solve this issue.
Did you see any error messages when running the FOG installer? Is you database up and running? Error messages in apache log?
Yes no permission to access on this server on my browser. This happens only when i update to the latest trunk
Probably your apache virtual host settings got screwed up I guess. Please post any errors you see in apache log (/var/log/apache2/error.log) and check you apache config /etc/apache2/… (probably in sites-enabled/000-default)…
during first installation no issues but when i reinstall the to latest svn im getting apache configtest failed . Please let me know how can i solve this. My issue is something like this , but this forum doesnt say how to solve this.
@Sebastian-Roth I have a similar problem. i get an error at Backing up old data … Failed! then on fog web address i get 403 forbiden.
@Tom-Elliott said:
Sounds like the web folder has improper permissions . Try
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
You tried that? And you got this error??
@Joseph-Hales said:
chmod: cannot access ‘/var/www/fog’: Too many levels of symbolic links
root@934fog1:~# sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod 644 {};
find: missing argument to `-exec’Please post the output of this:
ls -la /var/www/ | grep fog;ls -la /var/www/html | grep fog
Also so everyone knows, I helped @sacha-marin earlier. he had two symbolic links pointing at each-other in /var/www and /var/www/html I deleted both of them and that fixed the installation.