Windows7 restarts at bootup when it reaches classpnp.sys after being imaged with FOG
Yes the upload completes without error (as far as I can tell).
I’m not doing sysprep as I want to clone the machine as is. And, then later restore it to the same machine.
It is a standard Win7 installation. So there are two partitions /dev/sda1 (a 100MB boot) and /dev/sda2 (number of GBytes).
I’m thinking the same as george1421: it is essentially an automated partclone. So, it should put the clones image right back.
I tried “Multiple Partition Image - Single Disk (Not Resizable)” and “Single Disk - Resizable”. I tried it on two different machines. But, it produced the same ‘classpnp.sys’ results.
And yes the /images directory contains 3x files: 1x MBR and 2x IMG files.
This corresponds with the expected number of partitions.
Does clonezilla work correctly for this task? (just trying to contrast and compare). FOG uses partclone where clonezilla, well uses clonezilla to copy the image.
Yes I’ve been using Clonezilla for some time and it works. Sometimes one has to run Windows startup repair to get it to boot.
If I’m not mistaken Clonezilla also uses Partclone. At least the FOG and Clonzilla cloning screens look identical i.e. Partclone.
Well I guess I’m a bit red faced. I though clonezilla was its own thing. I guess I need to download a copy and see if the versions of partclone are the same. While I’m not with the FOG project (so this is only a guess), I could understand how the version of partclone could be newer/different with clonezilla than with a traditional linux OS, because the traditional OS version is dependent on the OS packager to update the version. Clonezilla is its own linux OS variant where the developer has control over the precise version used in the distribution.
Understand I’m not saying this is the issue, but I would wonder why if using the same cloning engine you would get different results.
@MrsPotter Anything special about the HDD? Is it mechanical? SSD? Hybrid?
@MrsPotter Are you trying to deploy to the exact same disk? Maybe see here:
And here is another interesting post:
Interesting. Did some more digging. Turns out that while everyone seems to think the boot is stalling at classpnp.sys, it is in fact stalling at the NEXT file in the boot sequence, which is cdrom.sys (in my case, anyway). That makes a bit of sense. In my case, there was a DVD drive while I installed and configured.
@george1421 Clonezilla SE (server edition) is actually very similar to FOG. It is a BOOTP server that can boot any image you want via TFTP. If you boot the Clonezilla image you get the familiar Clonezilla menus (this could be automated) which ultimately uses Partclone to clone your image to the server. FOG’s web GUI is a little nicer though. FOG also took the deploy to many idea much further with all the plug-ins etc. As far as I can tell Clonezilla only has a single developer.
@Wayne-Workman Nothing special. I’ve tried imaging:
- an ordinary 3.5" 7200RPM ACHI to a larger 3.5" 7200RPM AHCI
- an SSD to a larger 3.5" 7200RPM AHCI
I’ve tried both “Multiple Partition Image - Single Disk (Not Resizable)” as well as “Single Disk - Resizable”.
I’ve tried the re-imaged drive in the same PC as well as several others to see if it gets stuck at the same spot. All get stuck at classpnp.sys.
@Uncle-Frank I’m going to try and get a Windows boot log out of one of these machines. It would be very interesting to know if it is the classpnp.sys or the cdrom.sys which is causing the problem.
What I have done thus far though is to try and disable peripheral I could find in the BIOS to see if that would make a difference. I also tried booting with the CD-ROM plugged in and and plugged out.
I’m going to have a look at my FOG settings and see if there is something that might cause the problem (or could be changed for that matter).
The important FOG settings are as follow:
- Version: 1.2.0
- All plugins & services are disabled
Perhaps I should try it with FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK = 0?
@MrsPotter said:
As far as I can tell Clonezilla only has a single developer.
And they are doing a great job. I would never discredit their work or try to compare FOG to Clonezilla.
@MrsPotter said:
The important FOG settings are as follow:
- Version: 1.2.0
- All plugins & services are disabled
Perhaps I should try it with FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK = 0?
I think you should try FOG Trunk…
@Wayne-Workman To clarify: I wasn’t putting Clonezilla down. I’ve been using it for years with much success.
Ok so I’ve installed the trunk, but now I can’t seem to get past this screen. I’ve already installed the database etc. But, when I browse to <IP>/fog/management I arrive back at the below screen. I’ve also tried to completely uninstall the previous version and deleted the database, but to no avail.
At this screen you would normally do this during setup. press the install/upgrade now button and then go back to the installer and press Y to finish the setup.
Just to recap.
in the command window you run the install program. The install program will pause during the install and instruct you to go to website and press the install/ upgrade now button (which will fixup / update the database schema to the 5080 build. Then you go back to the installer and answer yes and the setup will finish. If you forget this database update step I’ve seen the installer fail with errors.Once the installer is done then go to the fog management interface. If you get thrown back to the install update database page then something went wrong. If something went wrong then go to the apache error log at /var/log/httpd/errors_log (on centos) and tail that file. If there was a problem with the update program it will be listed there.
I had the error after I applied one svn update that the database update page had an error and would not complete so each time I tried to login after the svn update I was presented with the database update page again.
When you can’t get the schema installer to stop showing after clicking the Install/Upgrade button, it is normally MySQL/MariaDB related.
First thing to try is a restart of that service. ubuntu:
service mysql restart
CentOS/Fedora/RHEL:systemctl restart mysql
What OS is FOG running on? What version?
@Wayne-Workman It is Debian 7.8. I’ve tried a system reboot with the same result. I’ll try @georg1421’s suggestion of consulting the log file over the weekend. Thanks a lot for the help thus far. It will be great if I could FOG working for this application.
Where would the log files be located on Debain? I tried /opt/fog/log. But, that is empty.
Apache error log on debian is /var/log/apache2/error.log
Maybe you ran into the same issue I had just a yesterday. Please let us know what you have in the error log when accessing the website and which php packages are installed:
dpkg -l | grep php5
See the error log below:
/var/log/apache2/error.log.1Below is the output of “dpkg -l | grep php5”
root@backup:~# dpkg -l | grep php5 ii libapache2-mod-php5 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) ii php5 5.4.41-0+deb7u1 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) ii php5-cli 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language ii php5-common 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 Common files for packages built from the php5 source ii php5-curl 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 CURL module for php5 ii php5-fpm 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) ii php5-gd 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 GD module for php5 ii php5-mcrypt 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 MCrypt module for php5 rc php5-mysql 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 MySQL module for php5 ii php5-mysqlnd 5.6.14-1~dotdeb+7.1 amd64 MySQL module for php5 (Native Driver) root@backup:~#