SVN 4972 to SVN 5046 server load
SVN 5058 fixes the main issue or at least makes it manageable.
Username jhales Web Server TFTP Server Load Average 6.79, 13.52, 13.55 System Uptime 1:28, 1 user
@Joseph-Hales Not sure…
but is it worth 10,000 hosts hitting one server every few minutes just so the occasional imaged computer gets snapins fast? To me it’s not worth it.
we image 20 to 50 pc’s a day on average.
@Joseph-Hales said:
we image 20 to 50 pc’s a day on average.
Well that’s a lot…
You would benefit a lot from having multiple “Full installations” of FOG, configuring them all to point to the main server for MySQL (for one master DB), and then just setup each one as a storage node. Then, you could slowly migrate all the clients to point to their local server. Long as you have a copy of your SSL key on all the servers (from the main server), you should be good to go.
Dispersing this massive load is ultimately going to be the best way to solve the performance issues.
Possibly but we are about to update the server hardware and add a storage node but up till now most of the performance issues appear to be database related not client checkin but I will test it next week.
@Joseph-Hales said:
Possibly but we are about to update the server hardware and add a storage node but up till now most of the performance issues appear to be database related not client checkin but I will test it next week.
It’s not hard to do, and is quite simple to do, but it’s not straight forward.
Install each additional server as a full installation. Notate your ftp user and pass in /opt/fog/.fogsettings for each server.
Point all servers to the main DB via their /opt/fog/.fogsettings file. the mysqlhost, mysqluser, and mysqlpass should be what the main needs.
Enable remote access on the main server’s mysql.
Copy /opt/fog/snapins/ssl from the main to all the other servers, delete what the other servers have and put the new files in place with the right permissions for fog:apache
You now should have the convenience to access the fog web interface from any of the servers, and just set up each server as a storage node. Make the main server the master node.
There are a great number of ways to organize storage nodes/storage groups but since you have one massive server now that does everything, it’d operate the same if you made that one server a master node, then make all the storage nodes in the same group as the master node.
With this setup, you could then point each site’s DHCP Scopes to give out the local fog server for options 066 and 067 also
Current checkin time was set to 600 I now moved it to 60000 and restarted the server this is the result. Also what is the increment for the checkin value is it seconds or minutes. Can we update the tooltips to indicate the values for the config fields in fog?
Username jhales Web Server TFTP Server Load Average 34.96, 26.32, 11.34 System Uptime 5 min, 0 users``` No change or even worse preformance?
@Joseph-Hales How is it possible for the load averages to go up when you increase the checkin time span ???
@Joseph-Hales 600 is 10 minutes, so 60000 is 1000 minutes?
Where did you change this? You are running legacy client, so you would have to update all of the clients to receive these new configs?
@Tom-Elliott said:
You are running legacy client, so you would have to update all of the clients to receive these new configs?
set the interval for checkin
reinstall the legacy client on a computer.
copy C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\etc\config.ini
push that file out as an update…There is an option here:
Service Configuration -> Client UpdaterThis area will allow you to push out the new config.