Create Image freezes when description is added using IE
svn 4194 / cloud 5028
CentOS 7I’m using plane-jane non-updated Win8.1 Internet Explorer to create this image and the page just locks up when I try to add a description.
Seems like it happens if I try to change fields and then type.
I’ll try Chrome and see if it makes a difference.
Yeah it’s IE specific.
It works just fine in Chrome.
@Wayne-Workman do you know if this is still occurring, and should we really consider this an unsolved bug from FOG’s perspective? Seeing as this is specific to IE, and everything else is fine, can we solve this?
@Tom-Elliott I’ll solve it. I wanted to report so that there was some sort of record of this in the forums, because it’s possible that someone in the future could run into this.