Host added but not visible
What do you get with the sql command:
besides this problematic host have got few other.
Here is what I get afterSELECT * FROM HOSTS WHERE hostID NOT IN (SELECT hmHostID FROM hostMAC) \G
Regards -
WHat I would recommend may not be nice, but should correct the problem for you. It appears, from the output you have, that there are 37 disassociated hosts. This basically means the hosts that were returned exist in the host table, but do not have a relevant mac address associated with them. To refine it even further, you can get just the Hosts that do not have a Primary MAC, which is the important part.
SELECT hostID from hosts WHERE hostID NOT IN (SELECT hmHostID FROM hostMAC WHERE hmPrimary=1)
The above command will only show host ID’s that do not have an associated primary MAC and do not have an associated hostID entry in the hostMAC table.
I’d recommend deleting the entries returned from the resultant set. I’d recommend doing these individually.
The sql syntax to delete these hosts would be:
DELETE FROM hosts WHERE hostID=relevantHostIDNumberHere;
You can chain it if you need with:
DELETE FROM hosts WHERE hostID IN (firstID,secondID,thirdID,etc....);
Of course change the firstID, secondID, thirdID, and relevantHostIDNumberHere to the relevant and real host ID’s.
Hello Tom,
I removed disassociated host. But when trying add new still same result, host is not visible in GUI
Below output from mysql.
I also noticed when I tryied change mac in different host also disapeared from gui and appear here:
Regards. -
Again the question: Do you see any errors in your apache error (not access!) log file when adding a host?
this is my error log from apache
Regards -
@robza is there a possibility of hosts with the same MAC address? What you’re describing sounds very similar to the deleting hosts that I know has since been fixed. I can only think of three possible scenarios as to why you may be seeing this.
My first thought is macs are jumping because the host you’re adding is “stealing” the primary mac from another host that has. This would present to you in much the same way as you are describing. It does not answer why one of your new hosts entered manually would have disappeared though.
My second thought is your fog server is not actually running the current version. This should be very easy to identify as, in most cases of this type of problem, the version in the cloud icon of the page will not match the version you have downloaded. This would occur because the document root changes from system to system and sometimes ever version to version of the OS. As you’re describing the version, at the start of the topic, as 4742, I doubt this is the issue.
The third way, I suspect, is more similar to what your describing almost directly. It does not explain other hosts disappearing on you, but it does describe how it could be possible for the host you just created to not appear. When you are saving the host it gives a whit page. At the point this white page occurs the object has not made it far enough to actually insert the new host Mac into the host Mac table.
I realize this is a lengthy post and probably still won’t work, but I’m just throwing out potential possibilities as to how it is occurring.
@Tom-Elliott Tom often when I login to fog I got this message
Usually click to approve.
Maybe this is issue.?
But when I add new host I get info “Host added”
Regards -
@robza can you create a new host and show me the URL it is taking you to?
here is URLhttp://v1fog/fog/management/index.php?node=host&sub=edit&id=1600
and screen from mysql
Regs -
@robza What are the exact values you’re putting into the text fields when you try adding a host?
host name: knur-66
and primary mac: 14:DD:A9:80:2F:63
only these two values -
Problem solved.
First of all, big thanks to Tom Elliott for support.
The problem was the MAC, was registered as a “Pending MAC”.