IPXE Timeout
When you say “current version”, I assume you’re talking about FOG 1.2.0 ?
That said, Try changing your option 067 to undionly.kkpxe and see what happens.
If you don’t have luck, please post a photo of the error you’re seeing, or a video of it (upload to youtube).
ok, changed to the KKpxe version, here’s the video of what happened.
Also, by current version of Fog I did mean 1.2.0
@nlaplante Do you have redundant DHCP setup at your location?
@Wayne-Workman no, I have a single dhcp server.
@nlaplante We know your laptop isn’t working, does any PC work with FOG?
Also, please double check that you don’t have an IP conflict with your FOG server.
@Wayne-Workman This particular laptop was initally imaged with the VM version of FOG.
I grabbed a fresh laptop and tried to boot it, same result.
connection timed out this time i got an error code of 4c126035 which pointed me to a line of code in the tftp.c source. line 528That line is in the tftp_timer_expired function.
as a programmer, this is telling me it’s trying to connect but not getting a response. so I must have something configured incorrectly, some step I missed somewhere in the install process.
Would a firewall or something else simple like that prevent communication? if so, where in ubuntu 12.04 would I disable that? (sadly, i’m a windoze guy, Just haven’t had a linux environment to work with before.)
@nlaplante A firewall could cause this, but I believe that the default UFW setting is off. But go ahead and try to disable UFW anyways.
Another thing you can try is to re-run the installer.
@Wayne-Workman ok, tried re-running the installer, no change.
also sent a disable command for the ufw then rebooted.
on reboot the tftp seems to have stopped working. I am getting this…pxe-e32: TFTP open timeout
@nlaplante said:
@Wayne-Workman ok, tried re-running the installer, no change.
also sent a disable command for the ufw then rebooted.
on reboot the tftp seems to have stopped working. I am getting this…pxe-e32: TFTP open timeout
Hi, could you try that : https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/5402/lenovo-11e-doesn-t-pass-menu-screen-on-ipxe/21 @cml has build the ipxe files in debug mode.
I managed to resurrect my VM (version 0.27) and have it taking an image.
I’m still going to work on getting the V1.2.0 working correctly, but till then, I have computers to image.
@ch3i actually, I think i’ll try the trunk version, I can swap between my VM and my physical by changing the IP and bootfile on my dhcp server.
related but slightly off topic question…
my IP Phone system also uses option 66, I cleaned out option 66 for fog’s use, but, is there a way for the two to co-exist?This is what I did have there, and when i’m done with imaging tasks will put back if the need arises.
I believe the two can co-exist. The method used depends on the version of Windows Server that you’re using. If you are using 2012 or newer, you use DHCP policies. If you’re using 2008 and older you would use… something else… can’t remember.
Look into this, it applies to option 067 and differentiating between BIOS and UEFI, but might give you a kick in the right direction for you VOIP phones and peaceful co-existence between them and FOG. https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/BIOS_and_UEFI_Co-Existence
And if you do get the two to co-exist, you’re pretty much indebted to the FOG project to explain in detail how you did it, and I’m serious about this.
@Wayne-Workman I will keep that in mind and share anything I find.