Upgraded ubuntu from 13.04 to 14.04 now Web console will not come up
@syschuck said:
This is a side note, I discovered while looking at the mysql issue.
Wow. Just did a ‘ps -ef | grep fog’ and found I had like 20+ instances ofroot 7469 1 0 Jul07 ? 00:01:22 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager
root 7532 1 0 Jul07 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGImageReplicator/FOGImageReplicator
root 7596 1 0 Jul07 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGTaskScheduler/FOGTaskScheduler
root 7662 1 0 Jul07 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/php -q /opt/fog/service/FOGSnapinReplicator/FOGSnapinReplicatorfrom all of my install attempts. That must be something minor. Installer shows;
that’s how daemons (and daemon like services) are supposed to work. I’ve been learning about this recently. When a daemon starts, the first thing it does is fork itself (replicate itself into a background process in RAM), then chek if the fork was successful. If successful, the first copy shuts down while the second copy runs until either shutdown or a user stops it.
Each time you ran the installer, you created new instances of these services, and these services are a lot like actual daemons.
You can fix this by running “top” and then just issuing the “kill” command from there with the appropriate PID.
Or you can just reboot.
@Tom-Elliott Hi Tom. How ya doing? Well, the guys at Mageia released a new distribution and so I thought I would test fog on it. It looks like this release has a few changes that need to be brought in to the fog installer. They are all minor name changes, and version conditionals. Would you like be to just post the patches on the forum?
The other problem that has me stumped, is that mysql is somehow not being updated or linked into. Everything looks good in the install;
- Setting up and starting MySQL…OK
- Backing up user reports…OK
- Did you leave the mysql password blank during install? (Y/n)
- Setting up and starting Apache Web Server…OK
You still need to install/update your database schema.
This can be done by opening a web browser and going to:
Press [Enter] key when database is updated/installed.
And that redirects to
In the apache logs, it show;
PHP Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 37
Which is;
if (!$this->link) $this->link = new mysqli(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD);
So I added a debug line;
printf(‘My info | %s | %s | %s <br>’, DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD);and it shows;
My info | p: | root |
So is the database host supposed to be ‘p:’ ?
@syschuck Yes, it should be p:, this puts the connections into “Persistent” mode for mysqli.
@syschuck said:
So is the database host supposed to be ‘p:’ ?
There’s been a ton of issues lately with using the local loopback address with the database.
But, Mageia is Red Hat based and I’m unaware of any Red Hat distros except Mageia that suffer from this issue. It’s normally specific to Ubuntu 14.04 and newer…
You know what I think?
I bet that there is some stupid setting somewhere in the mysql conf file that was grandfather’d in from 13.04 when you upgraded.
Can you give us the output of this:
cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Also, please ensure there is no database password… Log into MySQL via the CLI and see if it asks for a password. If it does ask for a password, give it the fog user’s password. if no luck, try with sudo.
su fog mysql use fog select * from hosts; exit
@syschuck said:
printf(‘My info | %s | %s | %s <br>’, DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD);
It could be: I did a little more slewthing, and the error is
‘Failed to connect: Issue working with the current DB, maybe it has not been created yet’So, it looks like the issue is early when creating the fog db. Phpmyadmin shows that the fog db isn’t being created. It wouldn’t surprise me that ubuntu 14.04 and Mageia 5 are using the newer versions of mysql.
The Mageia 5 was released just a few weeks ago.[fog@fog mysqld]$ id; mysql uid=1000(fog) gid=1000(fog) groups=1000(fog) Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 1112 Server version: 10.0.19-MariaDB Mageia MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> use fog ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'fog' MariaDB [(none)]>
@syschuck What happens if you specified connecting to mysql using ?
@Wayne-Workman; Hi Wayne. Well I’ve looked all over and I’m at a complete loss for ideas on what may be causing the issue. It’s almost as if it’s skipping over the SQL when it creates the database and when it opens the database. I turned on php debugging, but nothing really shows up. Unfortunately work is piling up on me, so I may need to look at this another day.
I’m starting to get a lot of windows 8.1 machines that need the newer fog so I’m going to try some older OSs and see if that helps.
CentOS 7 or Fedora 22 Server … “The waters are fine, come on in.”
@Wayne-Workman; Hi Wayne. Just installed Kabuntu 14.04 LTS and it worked perfectly. So for my immediate needs, I think I’ll be good to go. On the Mageia side, apparently this issue started in the previous release 4. I looked at the mysql vs localhost issue and sure enough there was a host resolve problem. So #mysql -u root -h -P 3306 would refuse, but #mysql -u root -h localhost -P 3306 worked. So I added the line: ‘bind-address =’ to /etc/my.cnf below the ‘skip-networking’ line.
That seemed to let everything in sql work without passwords. That got rid if all of the mysqli error message in the apache error_log. However, It’s still not creating the ‘fog’ database and I have the same blank webpage.
It doesn’t appear to be throwing any exceptions even though the database is never created. So I’m still at a loss. What user is being used for mysql? Is it the ‘fog’ user?