image upload error
@Wayne-Workman Ok, I think that I might know what it was. In my host settings from my old images, the kernel was at fog/kernel/bzImage; I think that now it is just bzImage.
is there a way that I can change that for all of my old hosts at once or do I have to change that for each host? 1600+ hosts and I’d rather not have to do it manually if I don’t have to.
I’m not sure… I use one kernel for all my hosts… when I update my kernel via FOG COnfig -> Fog Settings -> kernel update, it applies to them all.
Follow the instructions? The dhcp server is still set to and out pxelinux.0, which is not present in 1.2.0 natively.
@Tom-Elliott No Tom, that is not it. I did follow the instructions and changed my dhcp server to the correct setting. Some of my hosts that i created a couple of years ago still had the old kitchen sink kernel and when I went to push out an image to one of them it wouldn’t go until I deleted the host and re-registered it. That’s when I got to thinking about the old format for for where the directory stored the kernel. I originally had the kitchen sink kernel and a lot of my computers wouldn’t run on that kernel so I had to updated it periodically. For my server, a lot of the older hosts have the kernel tied to the old kernel in the host menu.
@the_duke what is the setting for kernels and units under fog configuration/fog settings/tftp server
@Tom-Elliott I hope I didn’t come off as rude earlier, certainly wasn’t trying to be. Here are the settings under my tftp server settings.
FOG_TFTP_PXE_KERNEL_DIR /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/
FOG_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE_32 init_32.xz -
You could export your hosts via the Host Management screen, and using excel, you could just delete the data for the ‘hostKernel’ and ‘hostKernelArgs’ columns… then re-import your hosts…
Be sure to make a backup of your entire DB FIRST using FOG Configuration -> Configuration Save -> Export
You could also just use the CLI to throw out the data in those two colums for that particular table… whichever one you’re more comfortable with.
@Wayne-Workman I just tried this and all I get in the csv is the MAC, Hostname, date the image was created and the image id. The hostKernel and hostKernelArgs fields don’t seem to export
You could do it through mysql.
This should only nullify the cells that contain fog/kernel/bzImage, but you can remove everything after the WHERE and have it set all hosts.
UPDATE hosts SET hostKernel = NULL WHERE hostKernel="fog/kernel/bzImage";
Better yet forget all of that mysql nonsense. You can add all of your hosts to a group and change Group Kernel to nothing, or whatever you may want there.