Troubleshoot Upload / Download
I’ve started work on three new articles.
Anything anyone can think of to add would be appreciated., I’ll merge those with the older articles about “troubleshooting image push” -
I just had to do this last night, but if anything is off/could be done better let me know.
This is more of a Windows 7/Partclone update of
This process will wipe out whatever is currently present on the client computer.
This tutorial was created using SVN 3501 pushing Windows 7 and assumes that your primary disk is /dev/sda.In the management portal, start a debug task for the client computer in question. Allow the client to boot and at the bash prompt.
(Everything below is done within the bash prompt on the client’s console.)
From your client, mount the remote /images folder on your FOG server onto a local /images folder using nfs:
mkdir /images (type this on the client’s keyboard, as explained above)
mount -o nolock x.x.x.x:/images /images (where x.x.x.x is the server ip)
you may try also mount -t nfs -o nolock x.x.x.x:/images /imagesCopy the master boot record to the first 512 bytes of the local disk.
cd /images/$ImageFolder ($ImageFolder is the folder of the image you want to push)
dd if=d1.mbr of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1Update the partition info:
partprobeUse partclone to copy image from FOG server to local partition:
cat d1p1.img | pigz -d -c | partclone.restore -O /dev/sda1 -N -f -i
cat d1p2.img | pigz -d -c | partclone.restore -O /dev/sda2 -N -f -iUse ntfsresize to expand partition:
ntfsresize /dev/sda1 -f -b -P
ntfsresize /dev/sda2 -f -b -P -
@cml I added it at the bottom under Win7