Can't use multicast on FOG 1.2.0 help please!
Hi, my problem is that i cannot use multicast on the clients, i’ve tried it with a host and with a group, didn’t work in both cases.
I’ve tried this also :
And works perfectly, u can see the log :
$ tail -f /opt/fog/log/multicast.log 11:17:12.804261 Using mcast address 11:17:12.805397 UDP sender for /opt/fog/.fogsettings at on eth0 11:17:12.805783 Broadcasting control to 11:19:33.254858 Starting transfer: 00000009 11:19:33.283621 Transfer complete. 11:19:33.286490 Disconnecting #0 ( 11:19:33.288428 Disconnecting #1 (```
But if i try with a multicast task nothing happens:
I didn’t make any change on multicast settings… i don’t know if i should make some change in the Config.class.php file or what…
My fog settings are:
ipaddress=""; interface="eth0"; routeraddress=" option routers;"; plainrouter=""; dnsaddress=" option domain-name-servers; "; dnsbootimage=""; password=""; osid="2"; osname="Debian"; dodhcp="y"; bldhcp="1"; installtype="N"; snmysqluser="" snmysqlpass="#####"; snmysqlhost=""; installlang="0"; donate="0"; fogupdateloaded="1"
And the Config.class.php file (multicast settings) :
private static function svc_setting() { define( "UDPSENDERPATH", "/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender" ); define( "MULTICASTLOGPATH", "/opt/fog/log/multicast.log" ); define( "MULTICASTDEVICEOUTPUT", "/dev/tty2" ); define( "MULTICASTSLEEPTIME", 10 ); define( "MULTICASTINTERFACE", "eth0" ); define( "UDPSENDER_MAXWAIT", null ); define( "LOGMAXSIZE", "1000000" ); define( "REPLICATORLOGPATH", "/opt/fog/log/fogreplicator.log" ); define( "REPLICATORDEVICEOUTPUT", "/dev/tty3" ); define( "REPLICATORSLEEPTIME", 600 ); define( "REPLICATORIFCONFIG", "/sbin/ifconfig" ); define( "SCHEDULERLOGPATH", "/opt/fog/log/fogscheduler.log" ); define( "SCHEDULERDEVICEOUTPUT", "/dev/tty4" ); define( "SCHEDULERSLEEPTIME", 60 ); }
Thanks and sorry for my bad english
Ok… seems that something is wrong with the FOGMulticastManager… it stops, starting it again solved the problem.
sudo service FOGMulticastManager stop && sleep 30 && sudo service FOGMulticastManager start
Hello, I am also having the same problem in this version of FOG. Tennosuke, performed the procedure that you mentioned, but without success. Is there any other way to solve this problem?
I’m with Debian 7.9 32bit, identified in various forums, the most commonly used distribution is Ubuntu 12.02, but I have not done the test.
@rogwol make sure your interface name is correct.
ip link show
I have to admit that I see this kind of issue from time to time too. Usually I check the multicast log on the web interface and just restart the service if it doesn’t play nice.
@rogwol Are you sure seeing the same problem? Have you gone throught the troubleshooting guide and tried multicast by hand too? I am sure there is a way to solve the problem on your machine but you/we need to dig a little further I suppose. What do you see in the multicast log (web interface -> FOG configuration -> Log viewer)?
@rogwol Also check that FOGMulticastManager is running.
Probably something like
service FOGMulticastManager status
@Wayne-Workman Oh and there is this also: