E-mail Notification
[quote=“Lee Rowlett, post: 12364, member: 28”]this didn’t work
hostname is blank[/quote]
What is the reason to be blank? The PXE file hasn’t the hostname, the fog script not get the $hostname or the $_GET variable is empty?
The PXE file hasn’t the hostname
There is the problem
You can solve it easily.
When you create a task, the webUI calls to tasks.confirm.include.php ( you can locete it in WEBROOT_DIRECTORY/fog/management/includes/ ). This php file creates the PXE file depending the tasks type. For example, to create a multicast download task, the tasks.confirm.include.php calls to :
[PHP]$taskid = createImagePackageMulticast($conn, $imageMembers[$i], $taskName, $port, $tmp, (!empty($_GET[“debug”]) && $_GET[“debug”] == “true” ), true, $shutdown, $imageMembers[$i]->getKernel(), $other , (empty($bashscript)? “”:$bashscript), $type, $taskPCT);[/PHP]
This function uses the [B][I]$other[/I][/B] variable to setup the hostname, check if this variable has setup the hostname.
nice thread very interesting, @Lee do you have it working now?
Can you post a little overview of what u’ve done please?Greetz X23
[quote=“x23piracy, post: 12383, member: 3982”]Hi,
nice thread very interesting, @Lee do you have it working now?
Can you post a little overview of what u’ve done please?Greetz X23[/quote]
yes this would be very useful if you could share an overview, maybe if you could post it in the tutorial section?
i have got it working but had to write a seperate query to get hostname. it is hard to write a step by step as you can customize it to however you want and use any mail protocol, i am using sendmail/mailutils - below is what i did.
edit the file …/fog/service/Post_Stage3.php
just before line: echo “##”; write you’re mail function i.e.
if ( checkOut( $conn, $jobid ) )
[B]mail(“emailaddress@tosendto”,“$hostname - Image Task Completed”, “$hostname has been successfully imaged”);[/B]
echo “##”;// Now update the imaging log.
@logImageTask( $conn, “e”, $hostid );if you would like to get the hostname in the email - you have to include this, it is another query and there may be a cleaner way to do this but for now put this anywhere before the if statement put…
$hst = “SELECT hostName FROM hosts WHERE hostID like '”.$hostid.“'”;
$res1 = mysql_query( $hst, $conn ) or die( mysql_error() );
$ar1 = mysql_fetch_object($res1);
$hostname = $ar1->hostName;optional:
on the server install sendmail/mailutils
apt-get install sendmail
apt-get install mailutilsrecommend stopping sendmail running a daemon.
hope this helps
…thanks for the guidance Fernando
something about this ? Is it in the last version of fog ?
thx -
It’s added.
I was searching for that option and I realised that I was not in the same last version… I was in the 1.2.0 and not in the svn version. I m now in 1.2.0 version 3118 and I see a section “Fog Email Settings”. I think it s that but how does it work ?
The package has been installed but i m not receiving mails…
apt-get install sendmail
apt-get install mailutilsthx
Do you see any errors in your apache log files when mail is being sent? I guess you need to configure smart host with sendmail… [url]https://www.dnsexit.com/support/mailrelay/sendmail.html[/url]