No Resizable Partitions Found
Using Fog 1.2.0 by the way.
Did you try a non re sizable option? does it also fail?
[quote=“Jaymes Driver, post: 41859, member: 3582”]Did you try a non re sizable option? does it also fail?[/quote]
Yeah, I mentioned in my post above:
“I tried setting the image to multi-partion single disk not resizable and on boot the it gets to Using Hard Disk: /dev/sda and just hangs.”
Is this happening on uploads
This sounds like a job for fix parts
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 41869, member: 7271”]This sounds like a job for fix parts[/quote]
Yes it is happening on uploads. I thought that too, but I ran DISKPART and it doesn’t show anything as being GPT.
Just parts isn’t exactly all that smart you should boot into a D bug mode and run fix parts on your device
I’ll give it whirl and let you know.
That worked like a charm. Thanks Tom. I’ll keep that in mind for next time.
I am having the same issue. How do I go about using Fixparts to resolve this issue in Windows?
Thanks in advance,
Nick -