Can't complete the fog install!
This post is deleted! -
the file /var/www/fog/commons/config.php did not exist
the file /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php
i added the mysql password to like so
define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “xxxx” );
define( “WEBROOT”, “/var/www/fog” );
?> -
the file /var/www/fog/commons/config.php isn’t supposed to exist in 1.2.0
define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “xxxx” ); doesn’t belong in
/opt/fog/service/etc/config.php either -
so whats the reason for no access to [url][/url] ? tnx
please post the contents of /var/log/foginstall.log
here it is,
[CODE] Here are the settings FOG will use:
Base Linux: Debian
Detected Linux Distribution: Debian
Installation Type: Normal Server
Server IP Address:
DHCP router Address:
DHCP DNS Address:
Interface: eth0
Using FOG DHCP: 0
Internationalization: 0
Donate: 0DHCP will NOT be setup but you must setup your current DHCP server to use FOG for PXE services. On a Linux DHCP server you must set: next-server On a Windows DHCP server you must set: option 066 & 067 Option 066 is the IP of the FOG Server: (e.g. Option 067 is the undionly.kpxe file: (e.g. undionly.kpxe)
Are you sure you wish to continue (Y/N) y
Installation Started…
Installing required packages, if this fails
make sure you have an active internet connection.-
Preparing apt-get
Installing package: apache2
Installing package: php5
Installing package: php5-json
Installing package: php5-gd
Installing package: php5-cli
Installing package: php5-mysql
Installing package: php5-curl
Installing package: mysql-server
We are about to install MySQL Server on
this server, if MySQL isn’t installed already
you will be prompted for a root password.Press enter to acknowledge this message.
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run ‘sudo dpkg --configure -a’ to correct the problem.
- Installing package: mysql-client
- Installing package: tftpd-hpa
- Installing package: tftp-hpa
- Installing package: nfs-kernel-server
- Installing package: vsftpd
- Installing package: net-tools
- Installing package: wget
- Installing package: xinetd
- Installing package: sysv-rc-conf
- Installing package: tar
- Installing package: gzip
- Installing package: build-essential
- Installing package: cpp
- Installing package: gcc
- Installing package: g++
- Installing package: m4
- Installing package: htmldoc
- Installing package: lftp
- Installing package: openssh-server
- Installing package: php-gettext
- Installing package: clamav-freshclam
Confirming package installation.
- Checking package: apache2…OK
- Checking package: php5…OK
- Checking package: php5-json…OK
- Checking package: php5-gd…OK
- Checking package: php5-cli…OK
- Checking package: php5-mysql…OK
- Checking package: php5-curl…OK
- Checking package: mysql-server…OK
- Checking package: mysql-client…OK
- Checking package: tftpd-hpa…OK
- Checking package: tftp-hpa…OK
- Checking package: nfs-kernel-server…OK
- Checking package: vsftpd…OK
- Checking package: net-tools…OK
- Checking package: wget…OK
- Checking package: xinetd…OK
- Checking package: sysv-rc-conf…OK
- Checking package: tar…OK
- Checking package: gzip…OK
- Checking package: build-essential…OK
- Checking package: cpp…OK
- Checking package: gcc…OK
- Checking package: g++…OK
- Checking package: m4…OK
- Checking package: htmldoc…OK
- Checking package: lftp…OK
- Checking package: openssh-server…OK
- Checking package: php-gettext…OK
- Checking package: clamav-freshclam…OK
Configuring services.
Setting up and starting MySql…OK
Backing up user reports…OK
Setting up and starting Apache Web Server…OK
You still need to install/update your database schema.
This can be done by opening a web browser and going to:
Press [Enter] key when database is updated/installed.
- Configuring Fresh Clam…OK
- Setting up storage…OK
- Setting up and starting DHCP Server…Skipped
- Setting up and starting TFTP and PXE Servers…OK
- Setting up and starting VSFTP Server…OK
- Setting up sudo settings…OK
- Setting up FOG Snapins…OK
- Setting up and building UDPCast…OK
- Installing init scripts…OK
- Setting up FOG Services…OK
- Starting FOG Multicast Management Server…OK
- Starting FOG Image Replicator Server…OK
- Starting FOG Task Scheduler Server…OK
- Setting up FOG Utils…OK
Would you like to notify the FOG group about this installation?
* This information is only used to help the FOG group determine
if FOG is being used. This information helps to let us know
if we should keep improving this product.Send notification? (Y/N)n
NOT sending notification.Setup complete!
You can now login to the FOG Management Portal using
the information listed below. The login information
is only if this is the first install.This can be done by opening a web browser and going to: Default User: Username: fog Password: password
Script done on Thursday 12,February,2015 12:31:18 AM SGT[/CODE]
Your own log is telling you something else is screwed up.
Press enter to acknowledge this message.
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run ‘sudo dpkg --configure -a’ to correct the problem.
- Installing package: mysql-client
well yes there was an interruption, as this isn’t the first install’s log, but subsequent, after it got stuck as well.
apache log can’t post here, so its at pastebin
ive searched a plenty… and my eyes are square, so i will need to leave this till tomorrow.
First thing I notice,
[Thu Feb 12 00:13:05 2015] [warn] (101)Network is unreachable: connect to listener on [::]:80
funny as theres no firewall I dont think, its a fresh install of debian
There is always a firewall installed on Ubuntu, called
[code]sudo ufw disable[/code]
What worries me though is you seem to have performed steps before you knew what to do.
Meaning you had mysql installed before installing fog, so how many problems.
I have also purged mysql and let it install with fog too. the first time mysql simply wouldn’t start - until I hashed out the bind-address line - so i tried then to install it before fog.
this is debian not ubuntu!!
The bind-address will need to be commented out later, but if you’re specifying a mysql password, then why not enter it on your localhost (of which bindaddress is defaulted to anyway)?
I last installed mysql without password, just blanks
plus what you suggest is not given in the user guide so how would I know (I’m not a server experienced person)
what do you mean it’s not in the userguid?
What guide, exactly, did you follow?
It looks like you have done whatever you think is correct based on other peoples ideas.
Rather than looking at what’s changed between versions, you went under an assumption to set mysql password in the /opt/fog/etc/config.php file (which won’t work)
You say it’s not there, but I want to know what you’re reading and failing to understand.
I found that I should change Listen 80 to Listen in /etc/apache2/ports.conf
for that apache error, and restart it, but I still can’t access fog in web browser
Pls refer to top post! link to user guide for other versions of Linux - ie Debian. That’s what I followed, official fog pages right?
I only search for answers when problems happened, like not what was expected from following the guide.
You mean [url][/url]
Which is for 0.32 installation of Debian Lenny,
Not FOG 1.2.0 on Debian Wheezy?
Well, you are correct in that Lenny is not my release of Debian.
I got to that page from the front page of the User Guide here [url][/url]
2 Installing FOG > 2.2 Installation on different distributions of Linux >> Debian > Debian Wheezy -
To be honest, the guide for say, Ubuntu 12.10, looks pretty much the same.