Tftp stops working a few minutes after starting
I don’t have a clue what the problem is. I’m aware of a problem with tftpd-hpa starting on bootup issues which we have a workaround fix for. I’ve never heard of it just randomly stopping at periods of time.
What firewall and Antivirus are you running?
[SIZE=3]I ran “[FONT=arial][COLOR=#545454]sudo [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=arial][COLOR=#545454]ufw disable” to disable the firewall and there is no antivirus software running to my knowledge. The tftp server seems to handle a few requests then just quits. Hopefully I don’t have to reinstall ubuntu because there’s over 200 clients registered on this server .-.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
OK so…
[FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]✓AV[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]Now how about…Do you have a rogue or misconfigured secondary DHCP server?[URL=‘’] Here[/URL] is the Rogue Checker I use. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Appears to be no rogue DHCP servers.
[FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000][FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]✓Rogue DHCP[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]
Are you running any filtering software/Harware for turrents or anything of that sort?
Throwing this out there but your not using a wifi connection for the fog server are you?
Are you using a static IP on the fog server?IF all fails connect the fog server and the client (tftp client) to the same switch.
It has a static IP yes, not on wireless, I’m unsure about the firewalls as I’m not in charge of the physical network in these buildings. The server worked flawlessly before we upgraded to 1.1.1 (we were on 0.32) and still works most of the time, just randomly stops doing tftp until I restart the service. I won’t be able to connect to the same switch because the fog server is on a vsphere server in the other building (buildings connected by fiber).
[quote=“elijahkan14, post: 31489, member: 24797”]It has a static IP yes, not on wireless, I’m unsure about the firewalls as I’m not in charge of the physical network in these buildings. The server worked flawlessly before we upgraded to 1.1.1 (we were on 0.32) and still works most of the time, just randomly stops doing tftp until I restart the service. I won’t be able to connect to the same switch because the fog server is on a vsphere server in the other building (buildings connected by fiber).[/quote]
How do you identify your buildings? we use a scheme similar to 10.x.y.z where x indicates the building, y indicates device and z could be room.
In this district everything is 10.35.X.Y
X being the buildingWe also have a separate scope for phones, wireless, guest wireless, etc
By chance do you have Cisco switches or PowerData switches?
You may need to “enable Portfast (fast link)” and “disable STP” on the swithes as the opposite settings will cause issues wth iPXE(fog v1.x.x) where PXE(fog v0.32) will work without issues.
We do have Cisco switches, I’ve never had to telnet into them before and will have to figure out the password though. Do you know the commands by any chance?
Usually you use the Http interface to change these but I’m sure someone here can help you out with telnet or a administrative software.
POKE (Jaymes)
I recommend Cisco CNA is a program that will allow you to make back ups of your current configuration. You will need to know the passwords to access the switches.
I contacted the director of the district and apparently our ISP manages our switches now that our networking guy resigned. He said we can enable portfast no problem but disabling STP is not an option. Does this mean we will not be able to use the new version of fog? How come the process gives errors on the FOG server if it could be a switch issue?
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[quote=“elijahkan14, post: 31521, member: 24797”]I contacted the director of the district and apparently our ISP manages our switches now that our networking guy resigned. He said we can enable portfast no problem but disabling STP is not an option. Does this mean we will not be able to use the new version of fog? How come the process gives errors on the FOG server if it could be a switch issue?[/quote]
Normally I would say to disable STP and enable port fast if you were having issues getting your file to your hosts, However that is not the issue here, there is something killing the process, or the process is erroring out.
I’ve seen times where re-installing the service will fix the issue try this:
sudo apt-get purge tftpd-hpa
sudp apt-get install tftpd-hpa[/code] -
[S]I successfully uninstalled tftpd-hpa but I’m getting a 404 on reinstall.[/S]
Had to update my apt-get lists first.[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1079_Untitled2.png?:”]Untitled2.png[/url]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa[/code]404 errors are due to connectivity, are you certain your fog server has access to the internet?
How do I get rid of:
“Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)” -
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