Realtek 8111\8168 & undionly.kpxe -> hangs on Initialising Devices...
[quote=“tamatech, post: 30826, member: 24111”]I know the dev team has made leaps and bounds in this area since I originally started the topic. Have you tried the ipxe.kpxe file I uploaded to this thread?[/quote]
Yes same status with your ipxe.kpxe file…
Have you explored all of these - including the .INTEL one?
Did you try undionly.kkpxe as I recommended earlier in the thread?
[quote=“andjjru, post: 30830, member: 575”]Did you try undionly.kkpxe as I recommended earlier in the thread?[/quote]
[quote=“tamatech, post: 30829, member: 24111”]Have you explored all of these - including the .INTEL one?
nope, i’ll try them right now
I tried your files, nothing better.
FOG still works fine with other computers. I have that issue with that model only =/
If anyone has the magic pack of *.kpxe files it would be great to deliver !
[quote=“K3nnyfr, post: 30834, member: 17017”]I tried your files, nothing better.
FOG still works fine with other computers. I have that issue with that model only =/
If anyone has the magic pack of *.kpxe files it would be great to deliver ![/quote]
Can you try one of the more recent kpxe/kkpxe files:
[url][/url] -
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 30835, member: 7271”]Can you try one of the more recent kpxe/kkpxe files:
[url][/url][/quote]Hi Tom, i’ll try it tomorrow morning (it’s 20h07, CEST here), i leaved work for now.
I will download all the files you provided and replace the existant and tell you if it works.
Just saw that on gPXE wiki :
[SIZE=4][B][FONT=Lucida Grande][SIZE=21px][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=3]How to Fix[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=16px][FONT=Lucida Grande][COLOR=#000000][LIST]
[*][SIZE=3]Buy another NIC. Really. I tried two and both did never work reliably (link problems – either no link detected or DHCP answers missed – could be a firmware issue, but how do I fix the firmware when I need to boot with that NIC??).[/SIZE]
[/QUOTE]Made me laugh =P
that’s part of the reason i asked what happens if you boot into windows and restart. for some nics the windows drivers properly initialize and shut off the card, allowing the card to properly initialize on the next boot. but a non-windows reboot may not.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 30835, member: 7271”]Can you try one of the more recent kpxe/kkpxe files:
[url][/url][/quote]Hi there, I’ve replaced all the exisiting files with those on the SVN, we tried them one by one.
Sometimes the screen is cleaned and a “iPxe Initializing devices…” appears, sometimes the same screen as before.
Nothing better or worst.
When you say you’re trying these files, are you replacing the “broken” undionly.kpxe with the file, or just downloading them into the /tftpboot folder?
This is what we did (with my trainees)
[]service tftp-hpa stop && service isc-dhcp-server stop
[]mv tftpboot tftpboot.bak
[]mkdir tftpboot
[]wget all the files in that fresh folder
[*]edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
In that file we replaced succesively the filename property with the different .kpxe/.kkpxe file in tftpboot folder.
Then start up tftp-hpa and isc-dhcpd and boot up our problematic device.
Am I doin it right ? Are we totally wrong doing it ?
Should we procede otherwise ?Cheers and thanks for your support !
It sounds like you’re doing it “right” persay, but doing a lot of extra work.
Really, you can “cheatify it” as such.
No need to stop tftp-hpa or tftpd-hpa or isc-dhcp-server
Doing the first few steps just as you did:
[code]mv /tftpboot /tftpboot.bak
mkdir /tftpboot
cd /tftpboot
wget -r ftp*
[/code]Then move the undionly.kpxe file to undionly.kpxe_MAIN
[code]mv /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe_MAIN[/code]Then just create symbolic links to undionly.kpxe from the file you want to try out. For example:
[code]ln -s /tftpboot/undionly.kkpxe /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe[/code]You don’t have to keep rebooting services to test it. When you’re ready to try another file you simply:
[code]rm /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe; ln -s /tftpboot/<NEWFILETOTEST> /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe[/code] -
Your wget command didn’t work for me, I did
[CODE]wget -i listdownload.txt[/CODE]
with that list
[CODE][/CODE]I’m trying with symbolic links now.
Edit : got that screen with undionly.kpxe and undionly.kkpxe
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1026_2014-06-20 14.20.43.jpg?:”]2014-06-20 14.20.43.jpg[/url]
We’ve updated the BIOS for our problematic device (Lenovo Thincenter E72 3493-KAG) and now the PXE boot goes a little further
With :
[]ipxe.kpxe : it goes further, gets a Configuring line, display a timeout i got on camera then loads windows
[]undionly.kpxe : it goes further, gets a Configuring line but then quickly the screen goes black and it load Windows
[]undionly.kkpxe : same
[]undionly.kpxe.INTEL : same
[*]undionly.pxe : bootloop
[media=youtube]e2ohnkfJhGU[/media][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1027_2014-06-20 15.00.44.jpg?:”]2014-06-20 15.00.44.jpg[/url]
I’m so stupid.
It’s now loading properly =D
To conclude :
- FOG Fresh install of 1.1.1
- Use the latest trunk files that Tom gave/ Use my command script to retrieve them in /tftpboot
- chown them with the right user:group (fog:root)
- recreate the Default.ipxe file
- Flash your BIOS with latest update so it can properly boot up iPxe (for Lenovo 3493-KAG : [url][/url])
- File to use for Realtek 8111 network card is undionly.kpxe provided by Tom
Thanks Tom, Junkhacker, andjjru and tamatech for your support !!!
I made a video tutorial for USB Boot Drive creation and BIOS Update then PXE Boot with FOG 1.1.1
Enjoy the show !
Gigabyte [URL=‘’]GA-880GM-UD2H[/URL] motherboard with Realtek 8111 also suffers this problem.
Unfortunately the machine is in another city so I can’t test further yet.
[quote=“andjjru, post: 28706, member: 575”]After much trial and error, this one is working well for me.
[url][/url][/quote]Wish I could say the same.
Im using an AsRock MB with NIC Chipset: QualcommAtheros
It does not progress past the issues others mentioned already: ipxe initialising devices…I can soft reset it.
iPXE works on other pcs.The weird thing is, i was able to INITIALLY fog this pc. and now it wont log on to fog.
gawdammit some days i want to firebomb technology and software with as dirty-a-nuke as 3rd-world money can buy.Am using 1.1.2 Fog as well. i did download the files mentioned here as well, and FTP uploaded them to my fog server’s tftpboot dir. I even restarted tft service on the fog server. and rebooted. and cried…i nearly hit my screen but that costs moeny to replace, so more work. sigh. what a run a round. And yes, i have googled till i have bue brass monkeyballs.
Glad others could sort this!
you may have better luck if you upgrade to 1.2.0
the network boot files have been updated