4k Advanced Format Drives
I’m fairly certain it’s not the fact that they’re 4k drives, and certain it’s not because they’re “newer” drives. I have loads of them in my school system, nearly 2000 systems and I think the only systems that aren’t (about 200) are our WIndows XP systems.
I think this is more due to GPT partitioning than the actual disk. 0.32 never worked, to my knowledge, with anything GPT so you had to convert or wipe the GPT information on the system.
The quickest way to wipe the drive of GPT is to boot into debug mode from the PXE menu.
Run the command (if it’s in 0.32 init.gz I don’t know)
[code]sgdisk -Z /dev/sda[/code] Replacing /dev/sda with your actual drive label, which this is probably it.The big issue I see with this is that your Disk will essentially be wiped, unless you replace the partition tables back in exactly the order/size/type (GPT/MBR) they were originally.
For posterity sake, I typically wipe the drive after doing the above with:
[code]dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda[/code]
Again replacing the /dev/sda part with your actual drive information.Then, on that now blank system, I perform my install of the OS. Upload the image and all should work for you.
I am trying this as we speak because we are going to get more of these model. Will post back when I have results.
Well when i get back in the morning, that will be the first thing I do. I guess DBAN will do just as good of a wipe correct?
I don’t know if it will remove the gpt stuff though it should.
Well it was a no-go. I DBAN’d it, I ran through the commands you said to and nothing different. The message pops up really quick, too quick to read and then it reboots.
tftp: client does not accept options
Is in the syslog a few times, no idea if that helps.
Tom Elliott is helping me on the same issue and it partially worked for me but I am using Kernel 3.8.8, I was able to uploaded but the download messed up the OS so I will be trying it again using SATA ATA.
You shouldn’t need to do that either.
Try not using Single Disk Resizable. Make sure it’s Multipart - Single or All disk.
One more question,
Have you recreated the image system?
Meaning after you’ve wiped the drive, make sure you reinstall the system. If the BIOS allows you to place the system into “legacy” or MBR mode, make sure that’s set first. Then Remake your “master” image from the system. Then try uploading. It can’t deploy because the MBR doesn’t (technically) exist if what I’m thinking is correct.
not sure on reefcrazed’s issue, but if partcat is having bsod after using “single disk resizable” image, it’s because resizing the disk messes up with the data the BCD file uses to find the boot info. to create a “master” image using “single disk resizeable” you have to replace the BCD of with a generalized version, which windows will rebuild on reboot just if you syspreped. if you replace the BCD file with this file, your computer should boot.
Do you know where the location of the BCD key’s go?
I can possibly add it as a function of the init to replace the BCD automagically if it’s as simple as copy paste.
the windows 7 default setup creates a 100mb or so system recovery drive that’s hidden when actually booted into windows. it’s in this first partition of the drive in the directory “boot” directory. the file itself is a pain to edit, but just replacing it with the one I attached works, it is the one generated when you sysprep a machine, before you reboot and it reconfigures. if you are unfamiliar with editing BCD files and want to look inside it, i recommend the program BOOTICE.
I have mine resolved. I ended up nuking the original image and uploading a new sysprep’d image. I think my problem was the original image had some crap dell partioning, seems like I saw the 100mb partition was more like 300mb. I blew it all off, uploaded a new one and it is working. The only weird thing now is when I deploy the first time it errors on creating both partitions on a clean drive, but if I assign the task again it works every single time.
Also I cannot seem to get multitask to work. The machines just sit there in a waiting period but all of them are up, I tried it with just two also and they never start.
just for a test, i pulled an Optiplex 9020 off the shelf, pulled an image off of it (multipart single - not resizeable ), and imaged it back to the machine. worked fine.
Yeah, mine is working now, like my previous post. Not sure about the weird error, I may try not boot and nuking the next one off the shelf, just image right over it.
Anyone have success with multicast?
What revision of FOG 0.33b are you using?
I know of issues a while back, but I thought I fixed them all. Can you try updating to r1210 and see if you still have the multicast issues?
Can you guys post the BIOS settings, FOG version, Kernel Version, and Image Settings that you guys are using, I am still having issues and it will be very helpful. Also, I notice you refer to 9020 and I want to know if you refer to the 9020 desktop or the 9020 AIO?
desktop. you said it “messed up the OS” what exactly did it do. were you getting BSOD screens on reboot? 0xc00000f or 0xc00000e specifically?
His error was:
Status: 0xc000000e -
yep, thats almost certainly the BCD
Tom, how exactly can you find the minor revision you are using? I cannot seem to locate it.