Host not registered" appears again and again
I have a problem with a Computer PRIME H470-PLUS, the client always wants a registration. So LAN Boot works fine, in the boot menu i have selected “quick registration”.
After booting always the same program. Red at the top “host not registered” -> “quick registration”.I have also tested legacy and UEFI always the same, WIFI and Bluetooth is disabled in the bios.
There is a LAN Realtek onboard and a LAN card from Intel with 4 LAN ports on it.To make LAN-Boot work, I used the onboard Realtek. Because I had problems with other pc’s that only allowed booting from onboard LAN cards.
I can see the correct Mac address in the background of the FOG and everything is also stored correctly in the host “Hardware Inventory”.
The client registration is successful, why do I only get this message on this one computer?
And what else can I do to get out of it?Fog Version is 1.5.10
Backend Log:
[2024-07-16 12:48:06] Host ID: 10 NAME: xxx has been successfully updated. -
@paranoid64 Can you add the macs of the 4 intel lan ports to the host in the web ui? One of those macs may be being used to query the host. It should be able to see all of them and find the match but something is off.
You could try updating to the latest experimental kernel and init. If you update to the dev-branch or working-1.6 branch you can update the init in the web GUI or you can do it manually by downloading it from and putting the init.xz on your server manually.
See also
The reason that might help is we recently added functionality for better handling of pass-thru macs. That’s not quite the case here, as it’s mostly for laptops that require a USB ethernet adapter to pxe boot, enabling mac address passthru in the bios/firmware of such systems now works as intended within fog with the new kernel and init as it will find the correct mac when there’s a passthru mac, but the new behavior may also benefit you here. -
@JJ-Fullmer i have add the 4 mac’s, but hadn’t changed anything. Unfortunately, I forgot to say that because I’ve been trying for 2 days. Sorry
! I don’t dare to try the kernels because I don’t understand where these kernels are used. Is this the kernel for the fog client, where the boot menu appears?
@paranoid64 Technically the menu is just ipxe, but when capturing or deploying images, getting hardware inventory, stuff like that you’re booting into fos which is in the kernel and init.
You can manually make a backup of the old kernel and init that can be just as easily restored. I believe in working-1.6 this happens automatically but to be safe you can just run this on your fog server linux terminalsudo mv /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage.old sudo mv /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/init.xz /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/init.xz.old
To revert you can simply reverse those like this
sudo mv -f /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage.old /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage sudo mv -f /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/init.xz.old /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/init.xz
You can also name the new kernels different and specify a different kernel per host, but since this is happening before registration is recognized, it’ll be better to update globally to test it out. I am currently using the ‘experimental’ kernels in production with 0 issues.
Another thing to look at is some log files.
See if you have anything helpful in/var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log
and post it here -
I just had this issue with a few HP models. If you look in the bios, do you have an option to use a unique system mac address OR adapter address? That one drove me nuts for a minute…
It’s great if you use a dongle so you aren’t accidentally uploading over the wrong image due to using the dongles MAC address. But it’s only great when you remember it’s a setting.
When I get off lease systems in, I like to clear the bios and security settings to factory. However doing so will set it to use a system unique MAC address during pxe boot and not the ethernet address.
I think it’s only on business class models without a lan port.
Hope it helps.
I haven’t gotten around to it yet, sorry about that. unfortunately I’m only working part-time.
But without this one pc, fog is just great