Group Management Settings not saving
When I edit anything on the Location Association, Image Association, and Active Directory tabs in Group Management Fog says it saves but when refresh the page the settings are not there. This only seems to happen on groups with an ID greater then 1. The default group works fine.
I am running version
@MatMurdock Are you using the persistent groups plugin? When you set something in group management I believe it doesn’t save persistently unless you’re using that plugin. The idea is that you’re setting that settings on all hosts in that group the one time. I might be remembering that wrong, but that’s what I recall.
Can you do a favor?Please:
- Make a new testing host for your use case.
- Make sure it has nothing preset that you want your group to set for you.
- Add the newly created host to one of the groups you’re seeing issues with
- Go through, set your associations and settings as you wanted and hit update/save.
- Go back to the host you created explicitly for testing.
Does that host have the defined settings displaying in
- Make a new testing host for your use case.
@JJ-Fullmer I do not have the persistant plug-in installed. What you are saying makes sense. Let do some more testing.
If group settings are more a “mass change” mechanism then what is the best way to deploy a Snapin automatically to a newly imaged machine?
@MatMurdock A newly imaged machine will automatically deploy any assigned snapins.
The design is flexible and you can do it in many different ways but here’s a general example that would utilize a group.
- You have a group named ‘Group A’ with computers you want to image with the same image and join the domain in the same ou and have them use the same bunch of snapins
- You assign the image via group management, they all now have the same image
- You assign the AD information, they all now have the same AD info
- You assign some snapins, they all now have those snapins assigned (in addition to anything else those hosts already have assigned, you could also do a group remove of all snapins first if desired)
- You push the task to deploy or multicast deploy on the group
- All the machines in that group now have a deploy task for the image and a deploy task for the snapins associated
This a fresh setup at a school, so the guys are going around and imaging the computers as they go. It sounds like in your example you would inventory all the machines first, put them in a group, apply the necessary settings, ie image, AD, Snapins. And then start them up and have them get imaged.
Does that sound correct?
Currently they have been doing a quick inventory, assigning the host a location and image so that the host will pull from the closest storage node and then image the machine.
Side note, I installed the location plugin in hopes that the host would be assigned the correct group, but that doesn’t seem to be functioning right now. I figured that if it was I could then go into groups and mass deploy a Snapin.
@MatMurdock You can also do a full host registration and that allows you to set the group and the snapin associations at registration and kick off the image from there.
I use the API powershell module (see my signature) and have created custom functions and powershell tools to manage most my assignments. That takes a bit more work to get setup at scale but gives you more customization options.
Starting fresh, well depends on how fresh, the best answer depends on how you’re going to use Fog. Like if these are all brand new computers that aren’t in any other system yet, then doing quick reg on them all might be best.
I myself do full registration and inventory for new hosts. If all your computers already exist on the network or in Active Directory you could get the host information and import. Many moons ago I made this host scanner example that will create a csv of all hosts and their macs on your network in the provided subnets.
If you can get them all in before hand, then mass-setting the snapins would be much easier. -
This is a new client so new AD. I think if I could get the Subnet Groups plugin to work I can make things work. If there was a way to apply a template to new hosts added to a group that would also do that job. I think the persistent plugin is supposed to do that but I haven’t figured it out yet. I think first I need to figure out why the Subnet Group plugin to work I will be good enough until I have some extra time to refine the process.
It does look like things are working. I added a host to a group and then did a simple Basic task in the group and it pushed it out to the host. Now I just need to figure out a way to get hosts assigned to groups based on IP.
We have like 600 systems to image so trying to automate as much as I can.