Snapin issue - using powershell to copy items
I am attaching the scripts that we are using. I changed the extension from .ps1 to txt so I could upload them.
Copy LCARS folders.txt
Copy Current Artemis.txtanyone know why if we run the scripts directly on the computer they work, but if run via snapin they don’t?
Below is a screenshot of both snapin settings
@anwoke8204 I believe this is because your script is logging into a network share that may not have machine\system level access.
Snapins run as the local system’s system user account.
When you’re accessing the network location named starbase, that’s the user who needs to be able to access the share drive. Everything else, I believe, should work just fine.
@anwoke8204 Tom is right. I had that same issue when trying to use snapins the first time.
You would need to do something like this:$username = "DOMAIN\USERNAME"" $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "PASSWORD!" -AsPlainText -Force $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $password New-PSDrive -Persist -Name "Z" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\SHARE\PATH" -Credential $creds # # RUN YOUR CODE REFERENCING THE "Z" DRIVE # Remove-PSDrive -Name "Z"
Hello @rodluz
I made the changes (see below) It runs like expected when run FROM the machine; however, when running through FOG it still says running, then immediately completed, and nothing is copied. Ideas here? Log just shows completed. But the folder is empty
$username = “starshipfrontier\wbadmin”
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString “USSWhiteBuffalo33247” -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $password
$NetworkPath = “\starbase\Artemis_Files\Artemis Versions\Mod\Artemis 2.8 TNG Mod”
$LocalPath = “C:\Artemis 2.8 TNG Mod”#New-PSDrive -Name Artemis -PSProvider FileSystem -Root “\starbase\Artemis_Files\Artemis Versions\Mod\Artemis 2.8 TNG Mod” -Credential $creds
New-PSDrive -Name “S” -Root $NetworkPath -PSProvider “FileSystem” -Credential $cred
Write-Host “Copying Artemis to Local Computer” -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
if(Test-Path $LocalPath) {“Temp folder found”} else {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalPath}
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LocalPath
Copy-Item S:* -Destination $LocalPath -Recurse -ForceWrite-Host “Copy Complete” -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
Remove-PSDrive -Name “S” -
@dellborg82 You seem to have a typo, that or because it’s not in code format (triple back ticks) we’re losing context.
Your script should be:
$NetworkPath = "\\starbase\Artemis_Files\Artemis Versions\Mod\Artemis 2.8 TNG Mod"
$LocalPath = "C:\Artemis 2.8 TNG Mod"
$username = "starshipfrontier\wbadmin"
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "USSWhiteBuffalo33247" -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $password
New-PSDrive -Name "S" -Root $NetworkPath -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Credential $cred
If (-Not (Test-Path $LocalPath)) {
Write-Host "Creating $LocalPath" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force $LocalPath
Write-Host "Copying Artemis to Local Computer" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
Copy-Item S:\* -Destination $LocalPath -Recurse -Force
Write-Host "Copy Complete" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
Remove-PSDrive -Name "S"
Why it’s not showing the full appropriately lined strings I don’t know.
Hello @Tom-Elliott, Thanks for your help here; however, it’s still not working and when I run it locally, I get the below error on New-PSDrive
I’m not the best at PowerShell, but have been learning here and there.
Please Advise where this may be going wrong. Unless I’m Mistaken (and I likely am) is this being caused by the $credIf (-Not (Test-Path $LocalPath)) part of the script?
@dellborg82 I printed the actual code as an image in my post because for some reason the code syntax is joining lines in appropriately here.
@Tom-Elliott Thanks for clarifying that.
I’m not sure why I didn’t catch that. Trying now. (It ran locally, just fine); however, run run via FOG, The pop up comes up that says it’s running, 3 seconds later, popup shows it’s complete (this is what we’ve been seeing)
I check the folder… empty
@dellborg82 Can you look at the event logs and see if anything shows up for that timeframe that the script actually runs.
@Tom-Elliott Here’s the log file from C:\fog.txt. As far as I can tell, (again I could be wrong) but it looks like the log shows it’s running.
8/16/2023 5:14:14 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.13.0
8/16/2023 5:14:14 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
8/16/2023 5:14:14 PM Client-Info Server Version:
8/16/2023 5:14:14 PM Middleware::Response Success
8/16/2023 5:14:14 PM SnapinClient Running snapin Copy Current Artemis
8/16/2023 5:14:14 PM Middleware::Communication Download:|5E:51:4F:AB:0E:91|18:A9:9B:FD:A2:71|5C:51:4F:AB:0E:91|5C:51:4F:AB:0E:95&taskid=178
8/16/2023 5:14:15 PM SnapinClient C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\Copy_Current_Artemis_V3.ps1
8/16/2023 5:14:15 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Notification
8/16/2023 5:14:15 PM SnapinClient Starting snapin
8/16/2023 5:14:18 PM SnapinClient Snapin finished
8/16/2023 5:14:18 PM SnapinClient Return Code: 0
8/16/2023 5:14:18 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Notification
8/16/2023 5:14:18 PM Middleware::Communication URL:|5E:51:4F:AB:0E:91|18:A9:9B:FD:A2:71|5C:51:4F:AB:0E:91|5C:51:4F:AB:0E:95&newService&jsonBut still nothing in the C:\Artemis 2.8 TNG Mod Directory. The directory gets created, but it’s empty.
Is this what you were looking for?
@dellborg82 @Tom-Elliott Thanks for your help here, I was able to figure out the issue with your guidance. I’m not 5/5 on successful copies via PowerShell.
@dellborg82 What was the issue? This way somebody else who may be having a similar issue can also be helped?