Double-checking the "Synology NAS as FOG Storage node" tutorial details
Re: Synology NAS as FOG Storage node
I am glad to have come across this tutorial as I have a Synology NAS on my network that will work very nicely for storing images and deploying.
Creating the shares on the Synology NAS was straight forward but I was a little hesitant regarding adding the NAS on the FOG server (Storage Management) It was not clear for the Management Username and the Management Password was for the user that I created on the Synology NAS or the user that I created on the FOG server. (the user “fog” that was created when the server was set up and the password for that user. I would assume that it would be the “foguser” username.
When I did that the FOG WebUI did say that Storage Node was successfully updated, but the Dashboard still doesn’t display the accurate storage of that NAS and still reports as “FogStore01” (Unauthorized)
Any thoughts on this?
@gafferwiles When you use a NAS as a storage node there are a few things that happens.
FOS Linux (the OS that runs on the target computer) loads the image from the target computer onto the storage node (FOG or NAS) using NFS. The files are uploaded using NFS to /images/dev directory which is read write access. Now the user ID and password comes into play. The management user ID and password is used because the FOS Linux OS connects to the storage node using FTP to move the raw data files from /images/dev/<mac_address> to /images<image_name> directory. So you need to make sure the management user ID and password has rights on the NAS to login via FTP and can execute the mv command to move the files.