Point a newbie in the right direction
Hey all. I just got hired to a new job and this is my second week on. I’ve been hired on to take over the software and imaging portion of their operations, and so I’ve inherited FOG from the previous employee.
I’ve only been on the IT scene for roughly two years now, my previous job consisting of laptop imaging and computer setup for new and existing users. I’ve done a walk through of the imaging process with FOG and it’s relatively similar to what I’ve done in the past, but it’s still going to be something of a learning curve. Not to mention, the existing employees have limited experience with FOG themselves, as it was almost entirely handled by the previous employee who left no documentation behind when he moved on.
I’ve never worked on the backend side of imaging, like setting up the process, so that’s only one of the challenges for me in this new role. The rest is trying to understand the process that was set up by someone else and learning the system and its quirks.
I’m here asking for help pointing me in the right direction to get started on learning FOG and its features, and perhaps help point me towards other important information that would benefit me going forwards.
Feel free to ask me any questions and I appreciate any help yall can offer me.
@rav You might want to start by looking through this wiki page: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Managing_FOG
There are some youtub videos on FOG.
Basic concept is to pxe boot into the fog ipxe menu. From there you can register the computer with FOG. Once registered then you can link a computer with a master image in the web ui. From there you can deploy to that computer. You will need to pxe boot it once again, but then the computer will see the job and deploy the selected image to that computer.
It would be easier if you have an issue we can answer the specific question as you come across them.
@george1421 I appreciate even just the link. Right now, I haven’t done enough with FOG yet to have any specific questions, but honestly I’m trying to gather enough knowledge so that when I do come across something that isn’t working then I know how to ask the right questions. I’ve seen the process, it’s really similar to what I’ve done before like with SCCM, so the FOG process is at least similar enough to me that it isn’t an alien process. I guess I’m just trying to start getting ahead of the game as best as I can.
@rav there definitely is a lot to explore and learn here. It will be worth it I think.
@tom-elliott I’m looking forwards to it! There’s a lot about FOG I don’t know yet and I’m just starting to dip my toes in.