Loop during upgrade from 1.5.7 to 1.5.8
i’ve got some problem to upgrade fog to 1.5.8 i’ve got a kind of loop :To improve the overall security the installer will create an unpriviledged database user account for FOG's database access. Please provide the database *root* user password. Be asured that this password will only be used while the FOG installer is running and won't be stored anywhere:
I enter a password for this root user
then :The current fogstorage database password does not meet high security standards. We will generate a new password and update all the settings on this FOG server for you. Please take note of the following credentials that you need to manually update on all your storage nodes' /opt/fog/.fogsettings configuration files and re-run (!) the FOG installer: snmysqluser='fogstorage' snmysqlpass='Qsz+9uL1GcKZrL3ef8D1' Press [Enter] to proceed after you noted down the credentials.
And again the same, endless
Could you help me ? -
Everything seems to works now. The problem was the same than this :
https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/14279/upgrade-debian-9-to-debian-10-fog-1-5-7-and-fog-1-5-8 -
@plegrand What do you mean by loop? So far I haven’t seen this part of the installer loop. Which message did you get after “Press [Enter] to proceed after you noted down the credentials”?
@Sebastian-Roth Bonjour,
je crois que tu parles français. Est-ce possible de t’expliquer ça en français ? -
@plegrand Please explain in french if it helps you explain. We will translate on the FOG Project end.
This is mainly a english support forum, but if you can explain the problem better in your native language, please use your native language.
@plegrand As well please add information on the Linux OS and version you use. The issue might be very specific and we need to know what you use to be able to help.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
4.19.0-8-amd64Lors de la mise à jour de Fog 1.5.7 vers 1.5.8 j’ai eu dans un premier temps ce message :
To improve the overall security the installer will create an unpriviledged database user account for FOG's database access. Please provide the database *root* user password. Be asured that this password will only be used while the FOG installer is running and won't be stored anywhere:
J’ai donc renseigné le mot de passe root
Suite à ça j’ai eu ce message :The current fogstorage database password does not meet high security standards. We will generate a new password and update all the settings on this FOG server for you. Please take note of the following credentials that you need to manually update on all your storage nodes' /opt/fog/.fogsettings configuration files and re-run (!) the FOG installer: snmysqluser='fogstorage' snmysqlpass='Qsz+9uL1GcKZrL3ef8D1' Press [Enter] to proceed after you noted down the credentials.
J’ai donc appuyé sur enter et à ce moment j’ai eu un message d’erreur du type :
stopping web services................Failed!
A vrai dire je ne suis pas tout à fait sur du “stopping”
J’ai tout de même suivi la procédure (modifier /opt/fog/.fogsettings puis relancer l’installer)
Lorsque j’ai relancé l’installer j’ai eu de nouveau les mêmes messages (mot de passe root puis modification de /opt/fog/.fogsettings)
C’est ici que je parle de boucle dans la mesure ou à chaque fois que je lancais l’installer je devais tout recommencer.A la lecture de ce post :
Le problème ressemblait au miens, j’ai donc suivi les conseils de ce post et depuis tout fonctionne correctement. -
@plegrand Ok thanks for posting more information. Allow me one more question. Between installing FOG 1.5.7 and updating to 1.5.8 you upgraded Debian Linux from 9 to version 10, right?
Merci d’avoir posté plus d’informations. Permettez-moi une autre question. Entre l’installation de FOG 1.5.7 et la mise à jour vers 1.5.8, vous avez mis à niveau Debian Linux de 9 à la version 10, non?
Yes absolutely, with the php updates that went with it. I guess the problem came from there? -
@plegrand Ops, I forgot to post here. This should be fixed in