"Hard Disk not Found!" Lenovo
[quote=“Ozzy, post: 12399, member: 3595”]I believe its the Quadro 4000. My buddy had a similar issue with a Quadro 2000d, Kernel Panic Error. What he said he did was remove the video driver on the kernel and it should go generic. He was then able to FOG with the vid card on the system.[/quote]
i will first try to remove the quadro and boot then lets see what will happen, i will report back.
Similar machines that work have a Quadro 2000 and there is my kernel working, it’s only the Quadro 4000.
Greetz X23
@Ozzy i had success, removing the nouveau nvidia driver from kernel will force it to use generic and it will boot,
but now i have another really strange problem:[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DmvDP1k.jpg[/IMG]
The machine tells me Invalid Argument while mounting the nfs but this works with every other machine i test! (with standard kernel) Only this machines tells me invalid argument! (using custom kernel)
What went wrong here and how could it be that a single machine cannot mount the nfs? should i try this custom kernel the other ones, maybe it’s a kernel nfs problem?!
Any clues?..very strange behaviour
I have tried the kernel i used with the other machines they all now tell me invalid argument, so this is a problem with the kernel, but i only removed the nvidia driver nothing else! Damn now i stuck hardly.
I don’t know what to do now
i compiled the custom kernel with latest 3.10 rc3 maybe there is the problem i will try latest stable 3.9.4 and will report back, this will happen earliest @next tuesday!
@Ozzy you only tried with rc2 right?
Greetz X23
Yep linux-3.10-rc2 is what I used in the tutorial.
about the nvidia driver:
So Nvidia uk youGreetz X23
@MOD (Staff) can this thread maybe moved to tutorials beginning from post #5,
with a redirecting link within this thread? @Ozzy would this be ok for you?Edit: latest core.config:
[url]http://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freeghost/trunk/kernel/core.config[/url]Greetz X23
[quote=“x23piracy, post: 12409, member: 3982”]Hi,
@Ozzy i had success, removing the nouveau nvidia driver from kernel will force it to use generic and it will boot,
but now i have another really strange problem:[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DmvDP1k.jpg[/IMG]
The machine tells me Invalid Argument while mounting the nfs but this works with every other machine i test! (with standard kernel) Only this machines tells me invalid argument! (using custom kernel)
What went wrong here and how could it be that a single machine cannot mount the nfs? should i try this custom kernel the other ones, maybe it’s a kernel nfs problem?!
Any clues?..very strange behaviour
I have tried the kernel i used with the other machines they all now tell me invalid argument, so this is a problem with the kernel, but i only removed the nvidia driver nothing else! Damn now i stuck hardly.
I don’t know what to do now
i compiled the custom kernel with latest 3.10 rc3 maybe there is the problem i will try latest stable 3.9.4 and will report back, this will happen earliest @next tuesday!
@Ozzy you only tried with rc2 right?
Greetz X23[/quote]
Based on the screenshot, I remember a similar error to what you get there.
What I did to fix that was on the actual Fog server goto your “File system” select images/dev folder. Technically the folder should be empty(I think).
I had to delete what was in there for it to actually image.
For me it was a folder that had gibberish. I believe that the image saves there as a temp and moves when completed. Pretty much had a image in limbo.
Dont know if this helps, but I figured I would share
[quote=“Kingtut343, post: 12459, member: 4069”]Dont know if this helps, but I figured I would share[/quote]
i’ve tried that and i have the same problem, also i wrote with the standard kernel it works so this must be a kernel nfs problem.
Iam actually compiling a new 3.9.4 stable kernel with the latest core.config.Any way thanks for your idea
I will report back if this is working!
Greetz X23
HI x23piracy, are you by any chance trying to use fog on a HP z820 or something similar? Looks like our hardware is quite similar but every time I seem to fix an issue, another one arise. Let us know how it goes with your kernel.
And again, thanks everyone for your valuable inputs, much appreciated!! -
[quote=“ttcircus, post: 12469, member: 984”]…are you by any chance trying to use fog on a HP z820 or something similar?[/quote]
i have the following hw:
HP 6005, 6305 and 8000
Lenovo Notebooks a hand full of different seriesThe Kernel i compiled today (linux 3.9.4 latest stable and latest core.config) couldn’t be tested today, i will try it tomorrow and report back.
Greetz X23
it’s a bit boring, now with latest stable 3.9.4 with latest core.config (just added c600 driver) i get a kernel panic
If i try the latest release candidates rc2 or rc3 it works but cannot mount nfs but this is not a nfs server problem older kernels are working there must be something wrong with nfs support or the core.config.
I will not longer try to make it running until someone more skilled could help me i don’t have any more fun with that damn thing.
Stupid me i forgot to disable the nvidia driver, because it will not work with a quadro 4000, will try and report back.
Greetz X23
it is working now, the problem was the nvidia driver like i already wrote i just forgot the disable the nuovo nvidia driver.
The machine with the C600 SAS Controller is now working. YeahaaaaGreetz X23
[quote=“x23piracy, post: 12488, member: 3982”]Hi,
it is working now, the problem was the nvidia driver like i already wrote i just forgot the disable the nuovo nvidia driver.
The machine with the C600 SAS Controller is now working. YeahaaaaGreetz X23[/quote]
nice one! I swear I tried all this but mine doesn’t work
Any chance you could share that kernel? -
[quote=“ttcircus, post: 12489, member: 984”]Any chance you could share that kernel?[/quote]
Let me know if you had success and gimme the specs of your system not working (hw).
Which core.config did u used?
this one?: [url]http://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freeghost/trunk/kernel/core.config[/url]Greetz X23
thanks a lot!
I just realised…that the core.config I was using was way older… The one from the fog [S]0.32[/S] 0.29 package I think. That’s probably why! (what an idiot…)
I’ll test your kernel tomorrow and will let you know.
Thanks! -
[quote=“x23piracy, post: 12491, member: 3982”]Hi,
Let me know if you had success and gimme the specs of your system not working (hw).
Which core.config did u used?
this one?: [url]http://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freeghost/trunk/kernel/core.config[/url]Greetz X23[/quote]
You’re my hero. This works a treat. With C600 and a Quadro 4000. Thank you ever so much.
[quote=“x23piracy, post: 12491, member: 3982”]Hi,
Let me know if you had success and gimme the specs of your system not working (hw).
Which core.config did u used?
this one?: [url]http://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freeghost/trunk/kernel/core.config[/url]Greetz X23[/quote]
Hey, any chance you could reupload that kernel elsewhere?
multiupload.nl seems to be down today
[quote=“ings0c, post: 12506, member: 4157”]Hey, any chance you could reupload that kernel elsewhere?
multiupload.nl seems to be down today
Thanks :)[/quote]
try this: [url]http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/91566930/file.html[/url]
[quote=“ttcircus, post: 12507, member: 984”]try this: [url]http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/91566930/file.html[/url][/quote]
Awesome thanks
Managed to get it working with that kernel - x23piracy thank you!
[quote=“ttcircus, post: 12505, member: 984”]You’re my hero. This works a treat. With C600 and a Quadro 4000. Thank you ever so much.[/quote]
[quote=“ings0c, post: 12511, member: 4157”]Awesome thanks. Managed to get it working with that kernel - x23piracy thank you![/quote]
great to hear this
That’s Community!!!Greetz X23
Hi guys,
it is possible to re-upload the x23piracy’s kernel? i have the same problems with Dell T7600