So you didn’t delete them on the server, just through the web GUI? One thing I can say is that the web GUI doesn’t always accurately reflect the amount of disk space you might have. If you can log in to the server and check the disk space and it shows that you have free space, then you do. The web GUI for me didn’t show the correct information until I edited some files, so don’t just go off what it shows you. Did it not change at all when you deleted the images?
Latest posts made by Jason Garrison
RE: Brand new to FOG (I inherited it)
RE: "Hard Disk not Found!" Lenovo
Alright, idk why my files were the same size. I must have done something wrong, but no matter I will try again. Thank you for the download links, hopefully they will point me in the right direction as to where I went wrong. I appreciate it Ozzy! Have a good day.
RE: "Hard Disk not Found!" Lenovo
Hey Ozzy, this is awesome of you to do! I have the same problem as x23piracy with the Kernel I compile being 8 mb and the default one is 12 mb. Why is there a difference? I tried both the Kitchensink and the Core kernel configs and it makes no difference on the size. I’m curious as to how you get yours to be 12 mb? I can enable everything basically and it doesn’t seem to change the file size, any idea what is going wrong? I did not start off with enabling everything fyi, just wanted to see if that made a difference and it didn’t.
Thank you Ozzy!
RE: Moving Fog Images
Oh yeah, don’t forget to:
[CODE]sudo chown -R fog /images
sudo chmod -R 777 /images
sudo chmod -R 777 /images/dev[/CODE] -
RE: Moving Fog Images
You need to copy them to the Images\ folder you have. Whatever you want to call it, but is by default images\ I believe. Make sure you remember that it is case sensitive. Go to your fogserver/fog Web GUI and select Image Management - New Image - Name the Image Name whatever you want - select your Storage Group which is generally default - Image File should be the exact name of your image file on Fog! It takes the spaces out of your Image Name by default so make sure you name this exactly as the image folder or file is on fog. Single Partition will be the File Name and Multi Partition will be the folder name. Then select if it is Single of Multi and hit Add. Do this for all the images and you should be good to go!
RE: Can backup, but not deploy on 1 machine.... [video inc].
Is there anything plugged into the usb ports or flash card in the laptop? I keep seeing that this error is generally another media device that is not able to be cached.
RE: Can backup, but not deploy on 1 machine.... [video inc].
Alright so Bios update did nothing, but a kernel change made the error message change. I am doing something new which is using the tutorial to build a custom kernel. I’ll test it beforehand, but if it works for me on my troublesome Dells and Toshibas then I’ll let you have it. Maybe it’ll work for you, idk though. I’ll keep you posted, it’s compiling right now.
RE: Can backup, but not deploy on 1 machine.... [video inc].
Ok, I didn’t forget about you. Hopefully others can respond with better options, but I want to get everything straight in my head. You have multiple laptops of the same make and model. All of them will image just fine except for one. When you swap the hard drive from the one that will not image to one that will image, the laptop that has no problem still has no problem, but the one with a problem fails even with the other hard drive. All of the bios settings are the same on all laptops. The bad laptop is getting to fog, reading out a report about the bios and all, but then freezes? I know this is redundant, but I don’t want you to think we are giving up on this, I just hate having little issues like this that seem to never go away.
RE: How To: Make progress bars appear for multiple-partition tasks
This is my fog file from tftpboot\fog\images\ and within the extracted init.gz file. I think it only has the Multi fix for the progress bar with uploading and downloading. Just use the line numbers I put to find where I have my code put in. Hopefully this helps, it is nice to have the multi progress bar in the GUI for uploading images now.
RE: How To: Make progress bars appear for multiple-partition tasks
I also wanted to make it so that it showed the progress while uploading. It doesn’t show the status bar until about 14 seconds into the upload, but this makes it work for the multi partition choices. To do so I added the following:
First Add was around line 997
[CODE] if [ -n “$disk” ]
#Added from the fix for mps and mpa deploying to fix uploading status bar.
export FOGSTATS=“1”;
fog.statusreporter $mac $web &
macWinSafe=echo $mac | sed 's/://g'
echo -n " * Preparing backup location…";[/CODE]Second Add was around line 1032
[CODE] mkfifo /tmp/pigz1
echo " * Processing Partition: $part (${partNum})“;
sleep 1;
#Added from the fix for mps and mpa deploying to fix uploading status bar.
export FOGSTATS=“1”;
fog.statusreporter $mac $web &
pigz -p $cores $PIGZ_COMP < /tmp/pigz1 > $imgpart &
#Added from the fix for mps and mpa deploying to fix uploading status bar.
#Added 2>/tmp/status.fog on the next line.
partimage save $part /tmp/pigz1 --volume=9900000000 -z0 -o -d -f3 -b -c 2>/tmp/status.fog
mv ${imgpart}.000 ${imgpart} 2>/dev/null
chmod -R 777 $tmpBackupPath 2>/dev/null[/CODE]Third Add was around line 1076
[CODE] echo -n " * Preparing backup location…“;
#Added from the fix for mps and mpa deploying to fix uploading status bar.
export FOGSTATS=“1”;
fog.statusreporter $mac $web &
macWinSafe=echo $mac | sed 's/://g'
tmpBackupPath=”/images/$macWinSafe";[/CODE]Fourth Add was around line 1123
[CODE] mkfifo /tmp/pigz1
echo " * Processing Partition: $part (${partNum})“;
sleep 1;
#Added from the fix for mps and mpa deploying to fix uploading status bar.
export FOGSTATS=“1”;
fog.statusreporter $mac $web &
pigz -p $cores $PIGZ_COMP < /tmp/pigz1 > $imgpart &
#Added from the fix for mps and mpa deploying to fix uploading status bar.
#Added 2>/tmp/status.fog on the next line.
partimage save $part /tmp/pigz1 --volume=9900000000 -z0 -o -d -f3 -b -c 2>/tmp/status.fog
mv ${imgpart}.000 ${imgpart}
chmod -R 777 $tmpBackupPath[/CODE]