CentOS 8
I’ve found out today that CentOS 8 is out, who knew? Not me. I’ll be getting it added to the daily tests.
@Wayne-Workman Yeah I sort of missed that too. But we had someone in the forums the other day complaining that it would fail to install. So we fixed it. Master branch will fail till the next release.
Waiting for them to produce an Amazon Machine Image: https://wiki.centos.org/Cloud/AWS
The CentOS project has yet to make a CentOS 8 AWS AMI available.
https://wiki.centos.org/Cloud/AWSStill waiting on this in order to include it into the testing. Yes, I have thought about taking CentOS 7 and simply upgrading it. I don’t want to do that because I consider that being “not clean”.
@Sebastian-Roth Do you reckon that https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/8.0_release_notes/rhel-8_0_0_release#file_systems_and_storage_4 will be a problem?
@Quazz Not sure from the top of my head. Thanks for finding this!! I will take a look later on.