Unable to add fog storage node
Hey there,
I’m trying to add a fog storage node, it’s not working.
My fog master is version 1.5.7, Commit ID is
My Fog storage node is version 1.5.7, Commit ID is
Both are Debian 9, fully patched.
There’s two problems really. The first problem is that I remember the storage node installation process would add the node to the remote database for you. I helped work this out with @Tom-Elliott a couple years ago. This feature is not working.
The second problem is that the manual storage node add process via the GUI isn’t working. I fill out all of the required information and click “add” at the bottom, I get a green box that says the action was completed, yet the node is not added. It’s not listed in the GUI, and not listed in the database in the nfsGroupMembers table.
I’ve checked the apache error log, I am not seeing any errors about this.
However, after manually adding the node into the nfsGroupMembers table, it appears in the GUI. After adding it to the database manually, FOG is replicating everything from the master to the node as it should, everything seems OK.
@Wayne-Workman Sorry to say this but I can’t replicate the issue as described. I just spun up a test setup with FOG 1.5.7 (current master) on Debian 9. After storage node setup I have that node in the storage node list in the web UI.
Do you have fresh installs or upgraded FOG master node? Do you have DB setup with root password set?
Do you have fresh installs or upgraded FOG master node?
It’s an upgraded master.
Do you have DB setup with root password set?
I’m going to just blast this master and make a new one. I’ll see how that goes.
@Wayne-Workman bump
I rebuilt my master and slave from scratch. Everything worked as expected, this topic can be resolved.