Using GIT to install other versions of FOG
Is it possible to install other versions 1.x of FOG other than the branches from the GIT pull?
remotes/origin/db-security remotes/origin/dev-branch remotes/origin/feature-fog2-gui remotes/origin/fix-reports remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/unique-identifier remotes/origin/working remotes/origin/working-1.6
If you “really” want to install a down-level version of FOG, I would probably go with the tar ball approach over git.
Of course, FOG has versioned releases
Eg command
git checkout tags/1.5.3
@Quazz Excellent. Thank you. I want to be able to roll back if necessary while I field test 1.5.7 in our all 1.4.4 environment.
@sudburr Make solid backups of database and such. I don’t know for sure if you can just roll back without setting back the old db.
@Quazz Oh you bet.
@sudburr Just so you’re aware - we are still working on the 1.5.x version of FOG. Long term aim is to finish that, merge all the things into the 1.6 branch (Tom does this every now and then with all the fixes we add in 1.5.x) but we’ll most certainly release one or two more 1.5.x versions before we call it “finished”.