Create users who can only use the function WOL
Hi @Fernando-Gietz,
Here sql:
Here All Users:
Does it help?
@Lenain Do you assign the prof user (uId = 4) to the Profs role? or to technician role (rID = 2)
#select * from roles;
This Profs role, has any rule associated?
Has technician role any rule associated?#select * from roleRuleAssoc;
How create roles and rules: -
Hi @Fernando-Gietz,
-My problem is that I can’t assign a user to a role. When I try to add it (select the user and click on add) nothing happen, the member section of Profs role stay empty.
-Yes the Profs role have rules but technician have nothing:
I’ve tried to use technician instead but I have the same problem.
-Here the result of mysql:
Hi @Lenain ,
When you try to assign an user, does the php log throw an error?
Your version is 1.5.5, no? Can you update it from working branch?
Hi @Fernando-Gietz,
I got no error from php, but I got this from mysql:
I already have installed it from working branch, does an update will help?
Thanks for your help ^^
@Lenain About crashed tables and how to recover, read this:
If that doesn’t help, the web is full of help on this…
hello @Sebastian-Roth,
Thank you for the tip, I don’t have any error with mysql ^^
But sadly it doesn’t solve my problem with Access Control Management… -
That is very strange!!
Let’s go to begin again. We will to reset all
- Unistall the plugin
- Verify that the tables roleRuleAssoc, roleUserAssoc, roles and rules are being erased from the database by the uninstall process.
- Reinstall the plugin
- To test if the plugin works fine, we will not create a new role, we use the roles that the install process create. For example, administrator role.
- After install the plugin, go to users page -> List all Users. Does appear a new column named “Role”?
- Go to AccessControl Page -> List all Roles. Select Administrator role.
- Go to Rules tab -> Check the checkbox to see the rules that can be assign.
- Select MAIN_MENU-about, MAIN_MENU-printer adn MAIN_MENU-storage.
- Go to Members tab -> Check the checkbox to see the users that can be added.
- Select fog user (for example, you can select profs users if you want). Does appear the fog user in the list of members?
- Go to User Page -> list all users. Does appear in the role column the name of the role in fog row?
- Any error log in the apache log?
Unistall the plugin -> Ok
Verify that the tables roleRuleAssoc, roleUserAssoc, roles and rules are being erased from the database by the uninstall process. -> Ok
Reinstall the plugin -> Ok
To test if the plugin works fine, we will not create a new role, we use the roles that the install process create. For example, administrator role. -> Ok
After install the plugin, go to users page -> List all Users. Does appear a new column named “Role”? -> No, there is no column “Role” only "API, “Username” and “Friendly Name”. In mysql the table “users” have uID, uName, uPass, uCreateDate, uCreateBy, uType, uDisplay, UAllowAPI, uAPIToken.
Do I have to add uRole in users table?
@Lenain Do you update the version from working branch, no? In the plugin description, does appear “The access control can restrict using different roles and rules. Version 1.5.5”?
Ok @Fernando-Gietz I haven’t update to working yet, it’s done now.
Everything seams fine except “Select fog user (for example, you can select profs users if you want). Does appear the fog user in the list of members?” The list of members still empty.
I’ve tried to connect with the limited user but it can access to every menu.
In the new version appears a new option in the user edit page. From here you can assign a role to the user too.
When you assign a role to an user, the rules are applied inmediately. Be sure that the icons of About, Printer and Storage desappear.
The rules are applied:
Hello @Fernando-Gietz,
Ok, when the rules are applied the icons disappear it work!
But the “members” section of “roles” stay empty.
Is it possible to hide “Access Controls” to? Is it possible to hide “snapins” or “printers” in group management? In “Basic Tasks” could we only show “Wake-Up”?Thanks for your help ^^
@Lenain said in Create users who can only use the function WOL:
Is it possible to hide “Access Controls” to?
Yes, you can add a new rule.
- Access Control -> Add new rule
Rule Type: MAIN_MENU Parent: main Node Parent: [empty] Value: accesscontrol
Is it possible to hide “snapins” or “printers” in group management? In “Basic Tasks” could we only show “Wake-Up”?
No, the rules are applied to the icons of the top toolbar (MAIN_MENU rules) and to the items of the Principal Menu section (SUB_MENULINK rules)
@Fernando-Gietz said in Create users who can only use the function WOL:
No, the rules are applied to the icons of the top toolbar (MAIN_MENU rules) and to the items of the Principal Menu section (SUB_MENULINK rules)
Too bad, in a high school it might be interesting to leave to teachers only access to the WOL. Maybe someday it will be possible
Anyway thank you very much for your help and your patience ^_^
@Lenain Do you use FOG only to send the WOL?
No, I use many more on fog.
We have old computers who need time to be ready, so some teachers asked me if they could have access to WOL. With our ACL only fog server can WOL PC, that’s why I’m looking for a solution. -
@Lenain I think that your only option is develop a new plugin to do this.