I’ve made a French translation (better than google translate ) for fog 1.4.0:
It’s editable with poedit.

Best posts made by Lenain
Help with translation messages.po
RE: Organizations Using FOG
Organizations Using FOG:
I got two organizations:Organization Name: Lycée Eugène Livet
Location: Nantes, France
Approximate Number of systems: 1200
How long: 3 years
Organization Name: E.R.E.A. La Rivière
Location: Nantes, France
Approximate Number of systems: 100
How long: 2 years
Update 1.3RC14 to 1.3.3
I had a problem updating the database. At the moment we are asked to go on the web interface to update the database I had a php error date.timezone and suddenly the database was corrupted. To fix this problem, before going to the web interface I opened /etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini and filled in the date.timezone line correctly, then restarted the service apache2.
I also wanted to tell you that you are doing a great job, a big thank you!
RE: Delayed or cron tasks don't work
Fog configuration page:
Fog general settings:
FOG services logs:
servicemaster.log:[09-14-16 2:23:45 pm] FOGMulticastManager Start [09-14-16 2:23:45 pm] FOGMulticastManager forked child process (18686). [09-14-16 2:23:45 pm] FOGMulticastManager child process (18686) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:47 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-14-16 2:23:47 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (18735). [09-14-16 2:23:47 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (18735) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:50 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-14-16 2:23:50 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (19050). [09-14-16 2:23:50 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (19050) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGPingHosts Start [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGPingHosts forked child process (19218). [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler Start [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (19219). [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (19219) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGPingHosts child process (19218) is running. [09-14-16 2:33:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (19219) exited with code 255. [09-14-16 2:38:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (21217). [09-14-16 2:38:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (21217) is running. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18733) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18733) killing child (18735). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18733) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18685) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18685) killing child (18686). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18685) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19199) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19199) killing child (19218). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19199) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19147) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19147) killing child (21217). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19147) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18828) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18828) killing child (19050). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18828) exiting. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGTaskScheduler Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (1718). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (1718) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (1719). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (1719) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGMulticastManager Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGMulticastManager forked child process (1720). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGMulticastManager child process (1720) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (1721). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (1721) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:18 pm] FOGPingHosts Start [09-29-16 12:35:18 pm] FOGPingHosts forked child process (2195). [09-29-16 12:35:18 pm] FOGPingHosts child process (2195) is running. [09-29-16 12:45:18 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (1718) exited with code 255. [09-29-16 12:50:18 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (5825). [09-29-16 12:50:18 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (5825) is running. [09-30-16 12:13:29 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1558) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:29 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1558) killing child (1720). [09-30-16 12:13:29 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1558) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:31 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1512) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:31 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1512) killing child (1721). [09-30-16 12:13:31 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1512) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:34 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1535) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:34 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1535) killing child (1719). [09-30-16 12:13:34 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1535) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:36 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1487) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:36 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1487) killing child (5825). [09-30-16 12:13:36 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1487) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:38 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1951) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:38 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1951) killing child (2195). [09-30-16 12:13:38 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1951) exiting.
There is a problem, I have no more logs, look at the dates, it seems that since the 1.2 to 1.3 update FOG write nothing.
And I have a issue with all FOG services:
RE: Post Sysprep Driver Install
You can install specifics drivers during sysprep.
In the regitry at “HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\SystemProductName” you have the machine model or at “HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\BaseBoardProduct” you got motherboard model. If you place your drivers at “C:\Windows\Drivers\MyModel1”, “C:\Windows\Drivers\MyModel2”… you can edit “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath” to add the path driver of your model.To do so I’ve developed a vbs script , you can edit it with Notepad++ to adapt it to your system.
Here is the steps:
1-place your script to “C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\EditDriverPack.vbs”
2-execute your xml sysprep (ex: sysprep /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:unattend.xml)
3-enter this in a cmd line:reg add HKLM\System\Setup /v CmdLine /t REG_SZ /d "cmd /c cscript //nologo C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\EditDriverPack.vbs" /f
Reboot your computer to upload it to fog.
There is also a debug mode in this script, it allow you to use cmd line in sysprep just before drivers installation.
RE: Can't change language in 1.3.3
Thank you, it work fine! Here my po file, it is perfectible but better french than google trad
0_1486735555898_messagesFR3.po -
RE: API wake on lan
@JJ-Fullmer Thank you so much, your solution work fine! I’ve made a script to do so:
param (
$hostID= get-foghost -hostName $machineName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
$jsonData = @"
"@New-FogObject -type objecttasktype -coreTaskObject host -jsonData $jsonData -IDofObject $hostID
RE: Delayed Tasks don't work
Hello @Sebastian-Roth,
Thanks to take time for me, in apache2 error logs I have this but I don’t know if it’s linked:
This error is after I create the delayed task.I’v tried delayed tasks (deploy and wake up) in the same day they are create and they work, I have create others for tomorrow.
“What exactly is happening when you try”: The delayed tasks stay in “Scheduled Tasks” with a “yes” in “active” column.
“Do you see an empty page or an error or what”: No error, no empty page. Just the task don’t start.I will tell you more tomorrow with the result of delayed tasks that I have create today.
RE: FOG 1.5.7 to 1.5.8 - Scheduled tasks issue
I have found the error by myself, it was a misconfiguration of the variable no_proxy. I have change it and restart fog, it’s ok now:
export no_proxy=,IP.OF.SRV.FOG,[…]
Thank you for your help!
Latest posts made by Lenain
RE: API wake on lan
@JJ-Fullmer Thank you so much, your solution work fine! I’ve made a script to do so:
param (
$hostID= get-foghost -hostName $machineName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
$jsonData = @"
"@New-FogObject -type objecttasktype -coreTaskObject host -jsonData $jsonData -IDofObject $hostID
RE: API wake on lan
Hi @JJ-Fullmer and thank you for your help!
I am trying to create a wake on lan task only, it work fine from the web interface. My fog can send icmp packet trought all vlans and it is the only one, that’s why I’m trying to use it with powershell. I will try youe example asap, thank’s!! -
RE: API wake on lan
I have finaly have it, it’s 14 with Fog 1.5.10. Task is send without error but no Wake Up… I’m using the powershell fog API, I have changed it to be able to send a task with ID 14… Can someone help me?function Send-FogImage { # .ExternalHelp FogApi-help.xml [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='now')] [Alias('Push-FogImage','Deploy-FogImage')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='now')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='schedule')] $hostId, $taskTypeID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='schedule')] [datetime]$StartAtTime ) process { $fogHost = Get-FogHost -hostID $hostId; $currentImage = $fogHost.imageName; $fogImages = Get-FogImages; $fogImage = ($fogImages | Where-Object name -match $currentImage) if ($taskTypeID -eq ""){ $taskTypeID = 1 } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'now') { "No Time was specified, queuing the task to start now" | out-host; if ($taskTypeID -ne 1) { "Creating Task for fog host of id $($hostID) named $($fogHost.name)" | Out-Host; $jsonData = "{`"taskTypeID`": `"$($taskTypeID)`", `"shutdown`":`"0`",`"other2`":`"0`",`"other4`":`"0`",`"isActive`":`"1`" }"; }else{ "Creating Deploy Task for fog host of id $($hostID) named $($fogHost.name) taskID $($taskTypeID)" | Out-Host; "Will deploy the assigned image $($fogImage.name) - $($fogImage.id) which will install the os $($fogImage.osname)" | Out-host; $jsonData = "{`"taskTypeID`": `"$($taskTypeID)`", `"shutdown`":`"0`",`"other2`":`"0`",`"other4`":`"1`",`"isActive`":`"1`" }"; } } else { "Start time of $($StartAtTime) specified, scheduling the task to start at that time" | out-host; $scheduleTime = Get-FogSecsSinceEpoch -scheduleDate $StartAtTime $runTime = get-date $StartAtTime -Format "yyyy-M-d HH:MM" $jsonData = @" { "name":"Deploy Task", "type":"S", "taskTypeID":"$($taskTypeID)", "runTime":"$runTime", "scheduleTime":"$scheduleTime", "isGroupTask":"0", "hostID":"$($hostId)", "shutdown":"0", "other2":"0", "other4":"1", "isActive":"1" } "@ } return New-FogObject -type objecttasktype -coreTaskObject host -jsonData $jsonData -IDofObject "$hostId"; } }
RE: API wake on lan
That’s right, it’s id 12Thank you for you answer! I’m using a powershell script to wake up but for now I have error 501… I’m searching why
API wake on lan
I’m searching a way ton use wol with the API but I can’t find. Is there a way or am I blind -
AD password issue
I have change my AD password and put an apostrophe (') in it, since I have issue with it. When I change something in “general” or “active directory” the password is change in mysql, the apostrophe is replaced by “'”. -
Update 1.5.8 to 1.5.9 on Ubuntu 14.04
I have a error while updating fog from 1.5.8 to 1.5.9 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:Setting up and starting MySQL...................... /lib/common/functions.sh line 1095: systemctl command not found /lib/common/functions.sh line 1096: systemctl command not found
I have opened the script and lines 1095 and 1096 are:
dbservice=$(systemctl list-units | grep -o -e "mariadb\.service" -e "mysqld\.service" -e "mysql\.service" | tr -d '@') [[ -z $dbservice ]] && dbservice=$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep -v bad | grep -o -e "mariadb\.service" -e "mysqld\.service" -e "mysql\.service" | tr -d '@')
I have roleback to a snapshot in case, is it a serious bug or just a warning?
Thank you -
RE: ipxe initializing devices freeze with Wifi card
@Sebastian-Roth Thank you so much! You save my life (almoste
) It was about ipxe.efi, I have change to realtek.efi in DHCP and now it work fine. Nice work thank you ^_^
RE: ipxe initializing devices freeze with Wifi card
@Sebastian-Roth Do you have an idea of the problem? We have iPXE 1.20.1+ (g18dc) on screen when iPXE initialize device correctly.
RE: ipxe initializing devices freeze with Wifi card
@Sebastian-Roth I have my own DHCP on Windows server 2012R2