I’ve made a French translation (better than google translate ) for fog 1.4.0:
It’s editable with poedit.

Best posts made by Lenain
Help with translation messages.po
RE: Organizations Using FOG
Organizations Using FOG:
I got two organizations:Organization Name: Lycée Eugène Livet
Location: Nantes, France
Approximate Number of systems: 1200
How long: 3 years
Organization Name: E.R.E.A. La Rivière
Location: Nantes, France
Approximate Number of systems: 100
How long: 2 years
Update 1.3RC14 to 1.3.3
I had a problem updating the database. At the moment we are asked to go on the web interface to update the database I had a php error date.timezone and suddenly the database was corrupted. To fix this problem, before going to the web interface I opened /etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini and filled in the date.timezone line correctly, then restarted the service apache2.
I also wanted to tell you that you are doing a great job, a big thank you!
RE: Delayed or cron tasks don't work
Fog configuration page:
Fog general settings:
FOG services logs:
servicemaster.log:[09-14-16 2:23:45 pm] FOGMulticastManager Start [09-14-16 2:23:45 pm] FOGMulticastManager forked child process (18686). [09-14-16 2:23:45 pm] FOGMulticastManager child process (18686) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:47 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-14-16 2:23:47 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (18735). [09-14-16 2:23:47 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (18735) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:50 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-14-16 2:23:50 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (19050). [09-14-16 2:23:50 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (19050) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGPingHosts Start [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGPingHosts forked child process (19218). [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler Start [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (19219). [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (19219) is running. [09-14-16 2:23:55 pm] FOGPingHosts child process (19218) is running. [09-14-16 2:33:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (19219) exited with code 255. [09-14-16 2:38:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (21217). [09-14-16 2:38:55 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (21217) is running. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18733) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18733) killing child (18735). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18733) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18685) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18685) killing child (18686). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18685) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19199) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19199) killing child (19218). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19199) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19147) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19147) killing child (21217). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (19147) exiting. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18828) received signal 15. [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18828) killing child (19050). [09-29-16 12:34:55 pm] Service_Signal_handler (18828) exiting. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGTaskScheduler Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (1718). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (1718) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (1719). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (1719) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGMulticastManager Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGMulticastManager forked child process (1720). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGMulticastManager child process (1720) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator Start [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator forked child process (1721). [09-29-16 12:35:17 pm] FOGImageReplicator child process (1721) is running. [09-29-16 12:35:18 pm] FOGPingHosts Start [09-29-16 12:35:18 pm] FOGPingHosts forked child process (2195). [09-29-16 12:35:18 pm] FOGPingHosts child process (2195) is running. [09-29-16 12:45:18 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (1718) exited with code 255. [09-29-16 12:50:18 pm] FOGTaskScheduler forked child process (5825). [09-29-16 12:50:18 pm] FOGTaskScheduler child process (5825) is running. [09-30-16 12:13:29 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1558) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:29 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1558) killing child (1720). [09-30-16 12:13:29 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1558) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:31 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1512) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:31 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1512) killing child (1721). [09-30-16 12:13:31 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1512) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:34 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1535) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:34 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1535) killing child (1719). [09-30-16 12:13:34 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1535) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:36 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1487) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:36 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1487) killing child (5825). [09-30-16 12:13:36 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1487) exiting. [09-30-16 12:13:38 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1951) received signal 15. [09-30-16 12:13:38 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1951) killing child (2195). [09-30-16 12:13:38 pm] Service_Signal_handler (1951) exiting.
There is a problem, I have no more logs, look at the dates, it seems that since the 1.2 to 1.3 update FOG write nothing.
And I have a issue with all FOG services:
RE: Post Sysprep Driver Install
You can install specifics drivers during sysprep.
In the regitry at “HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\SystemProductName” you have the machine model or at “HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\BaseBoardProduct” you got motherboard model. If you place your drivers at “C:\Windows\Drivers\MyModel1”, “C:\Windows\Drivers\MyModel2”… you can edit “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath” to add the path driver of your model.To do so I’ve developed a vbs script , you can edit it with Notepad++ to adapt it to your system.
Here is the steps:
1-place your script to “C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\EditDriverPack.vbs”
2-execute your xml sysprep (ex: sysprep /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:unattend.xml)
3-enter this in a cmd line:reg add HKLM\System\Setup /v CmdLine /t REG_SZ /d "cmd /c cscript //nologo C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\EditDriverPack.vbs" /f
Reboot your computer to upload it to fog.
There is also a debug mode in this script, it allow you to use cmd line in sysprep just before drivers installation.
RE: Can't change language in 1.3.3
Thank you, it work fine! Here my po file, it is perfectible but better french than google trad
0_1486735555898_messagesFR3.po -
RE: API wake on lan
@JJ-Fullmer Thank you so much, your solution work fine! I’ve made a script to do so:
param (
$hostID= get-foghost -hostName $machineName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
$jsonData = @"
"@New-FogObject -type objecttasktype -coreTaskObject host -jsonData $jsonData -IDofObject $hostID
RE: Delayed Tasks don't work
Hello @Sebastian-Roth,
Thanks to take time for me, in apache2 error logs I have this but I don’t know if it’s linked:
This error is after I create the delayed task.I’v tried delayed tasks (deploy and wake up) in the same day they are create and they work, I have create others for tomorrow.
“What exactly is happening when you try”: The delayed tasks stay in “Scheduled Tasks” with a “yes” in “active” column.
“Do you see an empty page or an error or what”: No error, no empty page. Just the task don’t start.I will tell you more tomorrow with the result of delayed tasks that I have create today.
RE: FOG 1.5.7 to 1.5.8 - Scheduled tasks issue
I have found the error by myself, it was a misconfiguration of the variable no_proxy. I have change it and restart fog, it’s ok now:
export no_proxy=,IP.OF.SRV.FOG,[…]
Thank you for your help!