Installation - Centos 7 & PHP 7?
There are no PHP7 packages in the official Centos repos I believe, so FOG won’t automatically sort it out for you.
On OS that does have official PHP7 packages, FOG will attempt to install those during installation.
@quazz It does setup PHP 7 using the Remi repository.
@wayne-workman I stand corrected
I started with a basic web server install for Centos 7 and the downloaded and installed fog 1.5.2. I added a info.php page to check the php version and it showed PHP Version 5.6.36.Here’s a listing of the enabled repositories after the install.
So do I need to start with a minimal install?
@ablohowiak if you install fog initially, remi repos are installed but for red hat based installs it defaults to 5.6. If you disable the php-56 repo style, and enable the php72 repo and run update you will have php 7.2 install
Well now I stand corrected. It wasn’t always that way. @Tom-Elliott if FOG is not setting up php 7 on CentOS 7, then why even bother with installing the remi repo?
@wayne-workman because fog requires at least 5.6 and centos 7 defaults to 5.4
@tom-elliott I tried this because I was curious. It turns out that in PHP 7.2, the mcrypt package is php-pecl-mcrypt as opposed to php-mcrypt. Installation works as the system correctly identifies it anyway, but then FOG update fails because it can’t find php-mcrypt installed.
I’m on FOG 1.5.2 currently, Centos 7.
Would have made a new thread, but this seems relevant enough to keep it in here.
@quazz php-mcrypt should no longer be needed with php-72 as we modified the code that used mcrypt to use OpenSSL. The only reason php-mcrypt was left in place was for legacy reasons. If you modify the packages line in the fogsettings file simply removing pho-mcrypt from the list you should have no problems.
@tom-elliott Cool, that worked perfectly