A little question about FOG.
Hello ! I’m here to ask you a little question.
I have a computer of my university, I’m in admin session on it.
Recently, I have seen the FOG application in my computer but I did’nt know what was this app. So, i maked researches in Internet and I understood FOG was an application to be in network with other computers but I did’nt understand the accurate operation of FOG.
I was wondering if the administrator of the FOG network can have access to my personal informations like internet historical or registered passwords in my browser ?I’m sorry if I’m not in the good section of this forum and for my bad english, I’m french …
Thank’s you !
FOG does computer imaging - similar to Acronis, Norton Ghost, WDS, and Clonezilla (except FOG is superior). Using university computers, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy since the computers are the property of the university. That said, FOG has no built-in mechanisms to track browsing history. Chrome and Firefox encrypt your password information on disk. The FOG Client does by default keep history of computer log-ins and log-outs. Like username, event (login, logout), time, hostname. -
I was thinking FOG was a monitoring software, but if i have been understood, it’s a backup software ?
@man4756 It’s not meant for backup, it’s meant for mass image deployment - and the activities surrounding that. It has a couple other neat things included but it’s primarily for mass imaging.
Aside from what Wayne said, you seem to be having the FOG client on your PC. The FOG Client allows the server admin to push software installations remotely using snapins, force logoff, order imaging, etc.
It cannot see what you’re doing or any passwords/usernames you enter or use. That doesn’t mean you should expect privacy on a library PC though.
Thank you for your answers @Wayne-Workman and @Quazz ! Now, I see better what is this software.