FOG uploading crashed to scrambled blue screen while uploading
I’m having ultimate trouble uploading images to my FOG, its happening on multiple different machines, Lenovo T400, 410, 420, etc. It starts to upload, and uploads a little under 100MB and then the screen scrambles and below are the screen shots what is displayed:
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/151_FOG Error (1).jpg?:”]FOG Error (1).jpg[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/152_FOG Error (4).jpg?:”]FOG Error (4).jpg[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/153_FOG Error (6).jpg?:”]FOG Error (6).jpg[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/154_FOG Error (8).jpg?:”]FOG Error (8).jpg[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/155_FOG Error (11).jpg?:”]FOG Error (11).jpg[/url]
Just a guess, but it looks like you have bad sectors on the hard drive. You can try running a few drive diagnostic tests to see if you can track it down and repair it, but you might just need to get a new drive.
The machine is picking up the image, deploys to my laptop just fine, I can use the laptop just fine, but I cannot upload the image back after making some changes.
run chkdsk /f
seatools for dos maybe?