IPXE boot to fog cloud server
Hello y’all. I love this project and im trying to do something here mostly of POC and to impress myself. I have booted my system into Ipxe which allows connect to pxe servers via http. I get ipxe to connect to my cloud server but thats it nothing happens after it. I wonder if i need to pick a specific directory or port. I am using HTTP maybe it needs to be tftp. I am not sure please let me know how to make this work.
thanks all
can you provide a clear screen shot of the error? helping to context of the error will give us an idea what part of the process fell down.
nothing happens. It connects to the server and then just stays on there. Waiting for something. It says http://X.X.X.X … ok
@ipxefoguser we need a photo of the error.
@wayne-workman said in IPXE boot to fog cloud server:
@ipxefoguser we need a photo of the error.
@ipxefoguser This is NOT a normal ipxe boot sequence for FOG. Did you create any custom ipxe boot menus? I don’t even think FOG uses the clear statement.
here is one straight from boot just used dhcp and hten loaded the chain command -
I think he’s typing in commands manually.
So, you should set your dhcp service (or dnsmasq) to point to the public ip of the fog server - then you should be done - provided the needed ports are open to the fog server: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=FOG_security
@ipxefoguser Can you tell me precisely what you have configured for dhcp option 67?
While that looks like an ipxe boot banner, why is it dropping you to an ipxe command prompt? At this point the fog custom built iPXE kernel should take over. My intuition is telling me something else is going on here than a normal fog ipxe boot.
@ipxefoguser What does this have to do with FOG at all?
The iPXE command
needs an URL pointing to something it can actually chainload. What exactly are you trying to chainload? A kernel?chain
Or just another iPXE script served via HTTP?chain
What exactly are you trying to achieve? What on the cloud server do you want to chainload?
i havent made any changes from stock at all. I dont know what you mean by dhcp option 67. I made the ipxe usb drive boot from the ipxe site. Maybe there is a different version but i certainly didnt see anything else.
on the aws server all ports are open. When i used the prebuilt ipxe test environment it works fine. My guess is something is wrong with the fog server but i used the guide that i linked to before and it doesnt provide anymore details -
@ipxefoguser if the fog instance is all default and you’ve opened it to the world for inbound TCP on all ports, then there is nothing wrong with the fog server.
You don’t need any pxe usb device to use fog. The problem is you have not configured dhcp options 66 and 67. Please see this:
Those dhcp options are done on the local network, not the aws dhcp options. -
@wayne-workman said in IPXE boot to fog cloud server:
actually when i pointed the url to x.x.x.x/fog/service/ipxe/boot.php i got the boot screen but it kept looping. After that it started to time out and now all it does is time out. So im closer but i dont know what else im missing. I can access it fine via a browswer
@Moderators @ipxefoguser change the default login credentials for the fog server please - anyone can log in with the defaults.
@ipxefoguser said in IPXE boot to fog cloud server:
i got the boot screen but it kept looping
Most likely this problem would go away if you set dhcp to point to the fog instance - which would cause the target system to use the IPXE binaries built & shipped with fog.
actually it went through fine now. The last issue i have is that it kernel panics once it boots but idk if thats a local hardware issue or part of the server. The key here was to know where to point to the fog php page -
@ipxefoguser I think I start understanding what you are trying to do here. You have FOG installed on a publicly accessible server (cloud server) and want to image clients through this. It’s not what FOG is made for but I think it can be used like this.
You should be able to chainload the FOG iPXE script like this:
chain tftp://
(but I think the TFTP port is not open on your server as I just tried this and got a timeout) -
@ipxefoguser You might be able to modify this part of FOG by moving the default.ipxe script to the webserver directory.
sudo cp /tftpboot/default.ipxe /var/www
Then you should be able to access that file via HTTP: and also chainload to it:
@wayne-workman said in IPXE boot to fog cloud server:
well now my issue again seem to be ipxe since i cant get it to get an ip no matter what i do but thats not FOG. Like I said i wanted to know the directory where files are stored on log and where the scripts are etc because those were not listed anywhere that was part of confusion