Wake On Lan Not Working Going to Different Subnets/VLANs
Hi I am running FOG version 1.4.3 on Centos 7. I can’t seem to get Wake On Lan to work. I can have allowed broadcasts to over UDP ports 7 - 9. I can see it even allowed through the firewall but the machine does not turn on.
Machines in the same subnet turn on, however. Is there something that I possibly need to configure on the FOG server to turn on servers in different VLANs?
@martinetwork There is a WOL plugin related to this, I can’t remember the exact name. If you enable the plugin system in FOG Settings you should see it, then when looking through the plugins list it should stick out.
@tom-elliott What is wolbroadcast and could you provide more information? I have been tasked with getting this working on the network for someone else’s fog server so not too familiar with all the terms. Yes, I know WOL is a broadcast. Thanks.
@martinetwork It’s a FOG Plugin.
@wayne-workman I saw that there is a plug-in but it looks like it is more for if broadcast forwarding is not turned on for the network. In my case, broadcast forwarding is turned on for the network. WOL is working for our PDQ server to be able to broadcast to different subnets but does not work for the FOG server even though both servers are originating from the same network.
@martinetwork This may also help: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=WOL_Forwarding
@wayne-workman I already have WOL enabled on my network though. Plus our PDQ server uses WOL as well and it is working fine. The link above talks about enabling forwarding (which I did and is working on a different server that uses WOL broadcasts). The plugin appears to be more for networks that do not allow WOL broadcasts.
If my network allows broadcast forwarding across vlans, I should not need the plug-in right?
Also the link is version 0.29 does that still apply to version 1.4.4?
@martinetwork There is no way we can help without you telling us more details about your network. Broadcast domains, VLANs, switches, routers/layer-3-switches, config, …
Quite often forwards are to be configured for one particular sender. So your PDQ waking properly does not mean much.