Clone Successful - Check Fog web service status .. Error
@sourceminer Please check to apache error log (see my signature on where to find this on your server). Take a look at the timestamps to hopefully find the error that happend right at that time when you saw “Check FOG web service status” on the client screen.
I will take a look at this tomorrow, I did see a bunch of errors in that log when I was checking but nothing seemed to be related. I will look again and post
Im not seeing any errors in the Apache2 Logs.
@sourceminer said:
I don’t even see a connection being made from the machine testing the imaging process.
You mean in the apache log or how do you check? Using tcpdump/wireshark?
Check FOG web service status …ERROR
Failed to connect to server …Exiting.Those messages are not part of FOG itself from my point of view. Possibly you took over that server from a colleague and didn’t know that he added some extra code to FOG?!? Take a look at
script on your FOG server. This is custom made I am fairly sure. -
AHH light at the end of the tunnel…!!
I was trying to do a Ubuntu Host name change using a post downloadscript.@ch3i (without using of MySQL) is what I have setup.
So @ch3i states to change the host name in the script of which I have done… this script as far as I can tell is straight forward however not able to access the server…
@sourceminer Sure you have the configuration set correctly?
######################################################### # Configuration ######################################################### FOG_SERVER="ip_of_server" FOG_WEBROOT="fog"
We don’t officially support those custom scripts but I try to give you hints as possible.
Yes all this was set… I almost wonder though if this script is a moot point its a script made in 2015…
Will the Fog Client rename a Linux machine?
I have only used it with Windows and although I installed the smart installer on the Linux machine its not working… so I looked for another solution. -
@sourceminer The fog-client is not used as much on Linux as it is on Windows. So sure there might be issues. Mostly we see problems with corrupt certificate stores in mono (.Net) frameworks on Linux and possibly other stuff that I can’t remember from the top of my head right now.
Please open a new topic on that and post client logs so we can have a look.About the hostname - a different way would be to send hostname via DHCP or grab it from DNS. Not sure if that suites you.
Perfect Solved…
Though it would be nice to have Fog Client work with Linux natively without Mono… -
@sourceminer So how did you end up solving your issue? See this is what this forum is about. Sharing information and solutions.
Though it would be nice to have Fog Client work with Linux natively without Mono…
Native as in C/C++ you mean? Well the code is currently in C# .Net - no way we can compile that into native Linux binaries.
Well I was just going to do the DHCP method but I may fix or create a script to just insert the host name