This is the grub.cfg on the USB. Where do I put the line? Near the top with the lines that say set? Do I add ‘set’? before the lines you asked me to try? Are the lines two separate lines? Sorry, for all the questions.
set myfogip=
set myimage=/boot/bzImage
set myinits=/boot/init.xz
set myloglevel=4
set timeout=-1
insmod all_video
menuentry "1. FOG Image Deploy/Capture" {
echo loading the kernel
linux $myimage loglevel=$myloglevel initrd=init.xz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=275000 keymap= web=$myfogip/fog/ boottype=usb consoleblank=0 rootfstype=ext4
echo loading the virtual hard drive
initrd $myinits
echo booting kernel...
menuentry "2. Perform Full Host Registration and Inventory" {
echo loading the kernel
linux $myimage loglevel=$myloglevel initrd=init.xz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=275000 keymap= web=$myfogip/fog/ boottype=usb consoleblank=0 rootfstype=ext4 mode=manreg
echo loading the virtual hard drive
initrd $myinits
echo booting kernel...
menuentry "3. Quick Registration and Inventory" {
echo loading the kernel
linux $myimage loglevel=$myloglevel initrd=init.xz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=275000 keymap= web=$myfogip/fog/ boottype=usb consoleblank=0 rootfstype=ext4 mode=autoreg
echo loading the virtual hard drive
initrd $myinits
echo booting kernel...
menuentry "4. Client System Information (Compatibility)" {
echo loading the kernel
linux $myimage loglevel=$myloglevel initrd=init.xz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=275000 keymap= web=$myfogip/fog/ boottype=usb consoleblank=0 rootfstype=ext4 mode=sysinfo
echo loading the virtual hard drive
initrd $myinits
echo booting kernel...
menuentry "5. Run Memtest86+" {
linux /boot/memdisk iso raw
initrd /boot/memtest.bin
menuentry "6. FOG Debug Kernel" {
echo loading the kernel
linux $myimage loglevel=7 init=/sbin/init root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=275000 keymap= boottype=usb consoleblank=0 rootfstype=ext4 isdebug=yes
echo loading the virtual hard drive
initrd $myinits
echo booting kernel...
menuentry "7. FOG iPXE Jumpstart BIOS" {
echo loading the kernel
linux16 /boot/ipxe.krn
echo booting iPXE...
menuentry "8. FOG iPXE Jumpstart EFI" {
echo chain loading the kernel
insmod chain
chainloader /boot/ipxe.efi
echo booting iPXE-efi...