@emerinea i bet it’s an dns issue and your client cannot resolv fogserver, is this really it’s name? try it ip address please.
Regards X23
@emerinea i bet it’s an dns issue and your client cannot resolv fogserver, is this really it’s name? try it ip address please.
Regards X23
thats what i got so far within the linux subsystem i have this file (startFOG.sh
service apache2 start
service php7.1-fpm start
service mysql start
service vsftpd start
service tftpd-hpa start
service FOGMulticastManager start
service FOGImageReplicator start
service FOGSnapinReplicator start
service FOGPingHosts start
service FOGSnapinHash start
service FOGImageSize start
service FOGScheduler start
read -rn1
To run that as kind of service without having everything down when closing the bash window i use a vbs script:
set ws=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
ws.run "C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe -c '/home/startFOG.sh'",0
This only works because my startFOG.sh has the “read -rn1” command as last line, this will wait for a key press like return or something and therefore helds the bash open until i close the process.
Regards X23
@emerinea well done, but you should check wether dns is not working correctly or if the hostname is wrong.
Anyway it’s time to go to a newer version you should migrate if you find the time.
Regards X23
@zionda Hi, is there no network infrastructure? FOG is doing it’s job over the network and the clue is since every computer is connected to the network you don’t need to move em. You also can wake em remotely.
For your case i would image the computer, replace the harddrive and deploy the image back to the new drive what ever it is m2, ssd, hdd.
I bet you haven’t seen fog taking its actions right? if so please try it you will be flashed out
Regards X23
do you let the sysprep process shutdown the machine?
I would not recommend uninstalling the store and even the calculator app.
If you really want to get quit the new calculator install this:
FYI the new calculator has a problem if you like to paste numbers with a dot inside, for example 38.500,50€
Without the dot:
Our employees needs that in the customers center. therefore i removed new calc and installed the windows 7 calculator to our images
Removing the store may could give you problems with system, if you dont like your users to use it better lock it down with gpos:
Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Store -> Turn off the Store application
EDIT: Locking the store down or blocking store apps doesnt work in Win 10 Pro Edition anymore this only work with Enterprise. hmmpf
Regards X23
@zionda said in Help with Mass Hard drive cloning station:
Wish me luck guys
good luck and don’t forget to report and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any setup problems.
going over Major Updates, Sysprepping and removing Appx is not a good idea.
Clean Install from Current Versions ISO, do your stuff and then image.
FYI do not embed third party Antivirus in your Image, just stay with its Agent and deploy Antivirus after image deployment.
Myself had never problems with the shutdown initated by the sysprep process.
Before you sysprep try to run chkdsk, if chkdsk was ok run sysprep but don’t use option /reboot or /shutdown just use /quit, then manually shutdown your machine with shutdown -s -t 0 -f, then try to image.
Regards X23
@psycholiquid irfanview will be offered and it has been set as default after install:
you can use unattend.xml to create a user for the case u use sysprep or simply use command line for example by snapin:
net user Username Password /add
If you also need the user in a specific group use:
net Localgroup Group_name Username /add
If you want to use it by snapin try to decide to use a batch file or use both command in one line:
net user Username Password /add & net Localgroup Group_name Username /add
for unattend.xml: http://windowsafg.no-ip.org/win10x86_x64.html
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
To delete a user you can use:
But don’t forget to remove the profile first if that user ever logged on, i would recommend delprof2.exe for this:
delprof2.exe /q /id:username /i
I also would like to recommend you to read the following thread: https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/9877/windows-10-pro-oem-sysprep-imaging
Regards X23
I am really glad that i started that discussion
afai understand the op is asking for something like hdd sheriff does:
He want that any change has been made to the system will be rolled back with next start.
The answer is no, this is not what fog is intended for, you need to deploy your image again or use third partie software to gain your goal.
Regards X23
@Tom-Elliott @Wayne-Workman the system is currently not in house so i cannot proof this.
I found the option: https://superuser.com/questions/1212736/random-hardware-addresses-in-windows-10-creators-update/1212749
I will check this if the system is reachable.
Regards X23
@redbob said in Task taking too long time to begin after FOG Menu:
120 seconds sounds like a timeout (wait) for the initialization of the card.
@Tom-Elliott @Wayne-Workman @george1421 Hey dudes this random mac option for wlan was really enabled, since i didn’t knew it was existing i have to disable this by gpo, this user enabled it on it’s own, he thougth it would be a good idea, no it’s not for FOG Thank you Tom for giving the solving idea
Where is the option to mark as solved? Can’t find it.
This post is just a destroying message, i can understand that you are frustrated but there are a lot of people out there successfully using fog. Why not starting to tell us your issues to may solve them?
Posts like this are helpful for no one.
@Wayne-Workman whoops did not read your post, its pretty the same to mine, sorry
Regards X23
sysprep the machine before capture.
@george1421 said in Clone PC and change product key:
Cross linking active post because the conditions sound very similar: https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/13084/activating-windows-10-pro-after-deployment
@andre_x if you review the fog client log on the target computer is there anything useful that mentions client activation?
@Sebastian-Roth mentioned in another thread that the fog client should be 11.6 else something with activation isn’t working propperly (afaik something about the parsing of the key (with, without the dashes) 25-29 signs.
Btw. i hate that the webif shortens the key from 29 to 25, the key contains that dashes and i think it should always be displayed with them, nice idea to save space in the db but hey it’s not 1980
Regards X23
@user4000 said in Authentication:
The IP is not the issue. I just changed the numbers for the post.
tell this when posting, what a trap
before you sysprep try to run chkdsk, if chkdsk was ok run sysprep but don’t use option /reboot or /shutdown just use /quit, then manually shutdown your machine with shutdown -s -t 0 -f, then try to image.
Regards X23