I changed the NIC speed from 1Gbps to 100mbps and it worked. I’m assuming the cat6 wasn’t punched down correctly?
Any other help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I changed the NIC speed from 1Gbps to 100mbps and it worked. I’m assuming the cat6 wasn’t punched down correctly?
Any other help would be appreciated.
Thank you
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Main Overriding exception handling
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Controller Initialize
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Controller Start
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Service Starting service
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Bus Became bus server
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
9/27/2017 2:07 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
9/27/2017 2:09 PM Controller Stop
9/27/2017 2:09 PM Service Stop requested
9/27/2017 2:09 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
9/27/2017 2:09 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Thread was being aborted.
9/27/2017 2:09 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Main Overriding exception handling
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Controller Initialize
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Controller Start
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Service Starting service
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Bus Became bus server
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:40 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat'.
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication POST URL:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication Authenticated
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication URL:**.........**...hidden****
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Service Creating user agent cache
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Invalid time
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response No Printers
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Module is disabled globally on the FOG server
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Service Initializing modules
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM HostnameChanger Users still logged in and enforce is disabled, delaying any further actions
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response No snapins
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response No Printers
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM PowerManagement Calculating tasks to unschedule
10/4/2017 3:42 PM PowerManagement Calculating tasks to schedule
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Service Sleeping for 98 seconds
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Main Overriding exception handling
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Controller Initialize
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Controller Start
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Service Starting service
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Bus Became bus server
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:42 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Main Overriding exception handling
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Controller Initialize
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Controller Start
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Service Starting service
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Bus Became bus server
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:43 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Main Overriding exception handling
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Controller Initialize
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Controller Start
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Service Starting service
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Bus Became bus server
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:45 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Communication POST URL:
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Authentication Authenticated
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:47 PM Middleware::Communication URL:**...hidden**
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Communication URL:
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Service Creating user agent cache
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Invalid time
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response No Printers
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Module is disabled globally on the FOG server
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Service Initializing modules
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:48 PM HostnameChanger Users still logged in and enforce is disabled, delaying any further actions
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response No snapins
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response No Printers
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:48 PM PowerManagement Calculating tasks to unschedule
10/4/2017 3:48 PM PowerManagement Calculating tasks to schedule
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client Version: 0.11.12
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Client OS: Windows
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Client-Info Server Version: 1.5.0-RC-9
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Response Success
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Middleware::Communication URL:**.......Hidden**
10/4/2017 3:48 PM Service Sleeping for 112 seconds
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Main Overriding exception handling
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Controller Initialize
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Controller Start
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Service Starting service
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Bus Became bus server
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Communication Download:
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Client-Info OS: Windows
10/5/2017 9:25 AM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
I’m still having the same authentication/certificate issues. I’m not sure if the question has already been answered in another post.
Since my last post, I have upgraded to the most recent fog/client and redid my windows 10 image.
Please advise.
@Wayne-Workman I see the certificate, but what do you mean by “check permissions next. They should be www-data:www-data and 544.” ? I’m a newbie linux user.
Should I install the certificate on the server or the client machine?
The IP is not the issue. I just changed the numbers for the post.
FOG Version: 6072
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1
Service Version: 0.11.12
OS: Windows 10
I keep receiving the error below: My time is correct.
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Main Overriding exception handling
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Controller Initialize
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Controller Start
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Service Starting service
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Bus Became bus server
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Client-Info OS: Windows
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Communication Download:
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Client-Info OS: Windows
6/2/2017 10:13 AM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Main Overriding exception handling
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Controller Initialize
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Controller Start
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Service Starting service
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Bus Became bus server
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Client-Info Version: 0.11.12
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Client-Info OS: Windows
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Middleware::Communication Download:
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Could not download file
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Middleware::Communication ERROR: Unable to connect to the remote server
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
6/6/2017 2:14 PM Middleware::Authentication ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.