Welcome to FOG!!! I will paste this information here for you, but the thread can be located here in the future: [url]http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/setting-up-and-building-udpcast-failed.4548[/url]
Log into the FOG Server as root and go to your installation folder.
Something like:
cd /opt/fog_0.32
Then cd into the packages folder
cd packages
Then run these commands:
wget [URL]https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freeghost/code/trunk/packages/udpcast-20120424.tar.gz[/URL]
rm -f udpcast-20071228.tar.gz
sed -i ‘s/udpcastout=“udpcast-20071228”/udpcastout=“udpcast-20120424”/’ …/lib/common/config.sh
sed -i ‘s/udpcastsrc=“…/packages/udpcast-20071228.tar.gz”/udpcastsrc=“…/packages/udpcast-20120424.tar.gz”/’ …/lib/common/config.sh
cd …/bin
You MAY want to delete the /opt/fog folder for a clean install. (or rename it)