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Best posts made by TrialAndError
RE: All fog services turning off on hosts after reimage.
RE: Updating group module configuration updates screen resolution and auto logout too
FOG 1.5.2 (working-branch)
Tested - works as expected. Thanks.
Release plan for FOG
FOG is a great peace of software! Many people appreciate it a lot and use it for “production” - and many of us often are in a hurry. Sometime bugs in software like FOG are a big problem in my daily work. So I would kindly suggest a different release plan for FOG.
As I know there are two branches now. One for experimenting (dev) and one for releasing (master). The new release is prepared in the working branch where bugs get fixed and new features are introduced from the dev branch (which brings new bugs necessarily).
Therefore I suggest introducing a third branch (stable, production). In stable only very small bugs get fixed with a high probability that no new bugs are introduced. A problem that cannot be addressed without the risk of causing new problems could be published as a known issue. So as a user I could decide if I wanted or needed the new features - bug fixings in the master/working branch.