Now. we just gotta get people back on IRC… Used to have like 40 on all the time and answers within a few minutes. Hmmm.
I’m on! And am always there. Feel free to ping
Now. we just gotta get people back on IRC… Used to have like 40 on all the time and answers within a few minutes. Hmmm.
I’m on! And am always there. Feel free to ping
First result from Google: probably should do more reading before I ask you follow up questions.
Start-Transcript -Path C:\$([Environment]::Is64BitProcess).txt
"Is 64?"
if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess)
$a = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C:
$a | Out-File C:\file.txt -append
$arguments = "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File temp.ps1 "
start-process C:\WINDOWS\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -WorkingDirectory $pwd
I know its not pretty, but its a proof of running 64 powershell. In essence, I need the 32bit to launch a 64bit version of powershell. Can’t just run powershell.exe because it goes still into x86.
@wayne-workman I had no idea you could do an import for hosts… I made an API script to get the serial and replace the quick reg name (mac) with the serial since I didn’t see any other way to do it easily for all my hosts…
@wayne-workman I will do additional testing today and probably tomorrow then update this thread with results (i’m assuming that we’ll be good to mark solved at that point).
@sebastian-roth HOLY CRAP. Just dropping the clover boot.efi in the place of refind.efi booted windows just fine!
@george1421 Absolutely. Though, i’m told that we need to return this demo laptop cause it doesn’t have enough ram and is missing the 2nd HDD. So it may be a few weeks before I have another laptop of this same model (I probably will turn it in Thursday and can do any testing before then).
@tom-elliott Thanks for the thoughts. And especially thank you for cml for the code, and Wayne for ALWAYS being amazing on the forums.
I’m just happy that I solved my other problem on my own (the post about running 64bit powershell snapins so I can use modules and such). Gettin better all the time. Actually, Tom, it may be worth making a 64bit powershell snapin template. Guess that may have to be my own PR to put in.
Just going to add in here that when I want to see how busy my HDD’s are during tasks, I use nmon. Can run as normal user and press d to view disk activity percentage. Very friendly to a newb. Press n to also view network stats and c to view CPU as well.
If I was you, i’d bring a computer over to the same physical switch that your FOG server takes the image on. See if it sustains a better speed or not to determine if network routing is to blame or not.
@julianh You can migrate to a VM and prove that your new config works as expected. If so, then you are clear to wipe your expensive box and put a clean OS isntall on it and migrate config to it. Should work with minimal work and you have a good confidence that it work fine.